
puella是什么意思 puella的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-13 04:27:56作者:黑暗战魂

1. 词释:Puella是拉丁语,意为“女孩”,可以作为名词单独使用,也可以在缩写中出现,如PUA(Pick Up Artist,意为“搭讪大师”)。

2. 用法特点:Puella这个单词不仅可以用于描述实际存在的女孩,还可以用于象征女性或女性特征。在缩写中出现的PUA则是形容那些擅长和女性搭讪、追求女性而得名的人群。

puella是什么意思 puella的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 文化含义:Puella这个单词源于古罗马,代表了古罗马社会中女性的重要地位,因此也在现代语言中被广泛使用。


1. 我的女儿是一个可爱的puella,在学校里表现得很好。

2. 这个宝石的颜色适合一名年轻的puella。

3. 今天是国际妇女节,让我们为所有工作的puella祝福。


1. The puella dances gracefully on stage, leaving the audience mesmerized.

2. The designer created a collection of clothing for young puellas to celebrate their independence.

3. The community center offers cles for puellas to learn self-defense and empowerment.

4. The PUA approaches the group of puellas at the bar, trying to strike up a conversation.

5. The online forum is full of self-proclaimed PUAs sharing tips on how to pick up women.




1. Puella in agris ambulat. (女孩在田野里散步。)

2. Hoc puellae donum est. (这是女孩的礼物。)

3. Puellae duae amicae sunt. (这两个女孩是朋友。)




例句:Look, over there, Pu Chieh, look! (叛国者的决定! 看,在那边 傅杰,你看!)


例句:- What are you doing, Ella? (Jesus! You saved my .)


例句:You can say he's a hero of our times... (你可以说这是你们时代的英雄 Si pu dire un eroe del nostro tempo oramai...)


例句:Ella, this is Special Agent Gina Banks with the FBI. (翻译:this is Special Agent Gina Banks with the FBI)


puella一般作为名词使用,如在diploneis puella(幼小双壁藻)、spongocore puella(木偶海绵虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

diploneis puella幼小双壁藻
spongocore puella木偶海绵虫


1. You can say he's a hero of our times... (翻译:你可以说这是你们时代的英雄 Si pu dire un eroe del nostro tempo oramai...)

2. Ella, this is Special Agent Gina Banks with the FBI. (翻译:this is Special Agent Gina Banks with the FBI)

3. LOLA: Ella, Ella, Ella. I mean, see the beauty. (翻译:Ella,Ella,Ella, 我是说,看看美景)

4. Sarah and Ella have been friends for seven years. (翻译:萨拉和埃拉已经是xx年的朋友了。)

5. Ella Gerard, you are the sister of my soul! (翻译:Ella Gerard,你真是我的好姐妹)

6. Do we have people like that, Ella? (翻译:- 我们中有那样的人吗,埃拉? - 我不知道,可能有吧! Do we have people like that, Ella?)

7. Just the other day,he and I were laughing over... a pu-pu platter,and now... (翻译:前一天 他和我还一起笑话... 一个清洁工 可现在...)

8. Just pu... put the gun down. (翻译:先... 先把枪放下 Just pu... put the gun down.)

9. The Pu Er feeds and wait a minute (翻译:普洱,喂,等一等 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The Pu Er feeds and wait a minute)

10. Debugging SPU programs creates a new set of problems. (翻译:调试s PU程序会出现一些新的问题。)

11. It's a retirement community for active seniors (翻译:- Hi, Mrs. Lefkowitz. Hi, Ella.)

12. "I fear no fate "for you are my fate, my sweet (翻译:Ella, bubbeleh, you did the best you could in a very bad situation.)

13. And then, on, like, the fourth or fifth night, Martin Edstrom looks at me and goes, "Ella, Ella I really believe in equality." (翻译:但是,在第四或第五个的晚上, 马丁埃德斯特罗姆看着我说: ”艾拉,艾拉,我认为应该公平一点。” )

14. Ella is part of a new generation of wannabe entrepreneurs. (翻译:艾拉只是想要成为企业家的一代人中的一份子。)

15. Cut it the day after Ella was born. (翻译:就在艾拉出生后第二天 我写了那首歌 Cut it the day after Ella was born.)

