
ultimate是什么意思 ultimate的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-09-25 09:58:29作者:心悦君兮


ultimate是什么意思 ultimate的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:ultimate sacrifice(终极献身)、ultimate goal(最终目标)、ultimate decision(最终决定)

短语:in the ultimate ysis(最终来看)



1. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a cure for cancer.(这个项目的最终目标是开发一种治愈癌症的方法。)

2. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country.(他为国家做出了终极献身。)

3. The ultimate decision rests with the board of directors.(最终决定在董事会手中。)

4. In the ultimate ysis, it's up to you to decide.(最终来看,决定权在你。)

5. The team's ultimate success was due to their hard work and dedication.(团队的最终成功是由于他们的勤奋和专注。)




1. The ultimate goal of our research is to find a cure for cancer.(我们研究的最终目标是找到治愈癌症的方法。)

2. The ultimate responsibility rests with the company's CEO.(最终责任在于公司的首席执行官。)

3. This is the ultimate test of your skills.(这是你技能的终极考验。)

4. The ultimate decision is up to you.(最终的决定由你做出。)




例句:The west traditional philosophy has formed an ontology-way of thinking during the search to ultimate existence, the ultimate truth, the ultimate value which they believed in awedly. (西方传统哲学对终极存在、终极真理、终极价值抱有充满敬畏的信仰,在追寻它们的过程之中形成了本体论的思维方式。)


例句:But it was the question. The ultimate question. Of everything! (但是这个问题是终极问题 关于所有问题的问题)


例句:You know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. (that knowledge is the ultimate weapon.)


例句:That is the ultimate betrayal. (翻译:这是不可饶恕的背叛 That is the ultimate betrayal.)


ultimate一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in the ultimate(到最后,终于)、the ultimate([网络] 终极;最终的;最后一滴)、fibre ultimate(纤维单位细胞)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the ultimate到最后,终于
the ultimate[网络] 终极;最终的;最后一滴
fibre ultimate纤维单位细胞
overload ultimate极限过负荷
production ultimate最大总产量
recovery ultimate最大总采收量
resources ultimate终极资源;最大资源
strength ultimate极限强度
the ultimate ratio最后的手段,最后的争论


1. You know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. (翻译:that knowledge is the ultimate weapon.)

2. That is the ultimate betrayal. (翻译:这是不可饶恕的背叛 That is the ultimate betrayal.)

3. And for that reason, polio eradication: it's the ultimate in equity and it's the ultimate in social justice. (翻译:因此,根除脊髓灰质炎 意味着最终的平等 和社会公正 )

4. I have the hand of the ultimate toolmaker. (翻译:我有一双终极的工具制造者的手。)

5. There is an ultimate aloneness to human existence. (翻译:人类的存在有着无限的孤独。)

6. The ultimate goal of Soul Society and '... to maintain a balance. (翻译:在尸魂界中高于一切的规定 是为了世界的延续和平衡)

7. "I will destroy you with my Turbo Glove. the ultimate weapon against the robot threat." (翻译:我会用极爆手套 对付你的终极武器 I will destroy you with my Turbo Glove, the ultimate weapon against the robot threat.)

8. We need the ultimate question, or one that sounds ultimate. (翻译:我们需要终极问题的答案 或至少听上去像那么回事)

9. You are the ultimate leader. (翻译:你是最的领导 You are the ultimate leader.)

10. This had been the ultimate commercial break. (翻译:然而现在已经到了最后的广告插播时间 This had been the ultimate commercial break.)

11. The dealer has to provide an end user certificate which is a signature acceptable to the government that the ultimate customer is an approved user. (翻译:The dealer has to provide an end user certificate 得有承认的签字 which is a signature acceptable to the government 证明最终顾客有使用授权 that the ultimate customer Is an approved user.)

12. Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs. (翻译:植物是所有食物的最终来源。)

13. And so that in a way is the ultimate legacy of this map. (翻译:这个概念在某种程度上成为这个地图的根本遗产。)

14. DESTRO's forces will be your ultimate challenge! ! (翻译:DESTRO的将向你做出最后的挑战!!)

15. For the ultimate battle between the living and the undead has yet to be staged. (翻译:因为活人与活死人之间的终极之战 For the ultimate battle between the living and the undead 还未上演 has yet to be staged.)



