
scheie是什么意思 scheie的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-12 09:55:25作者:花静幽然



scheie是什么意思 scheie的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:scheie allein或者allein die scheie表示“仅仅只是一坨屎”、“只是些破玩意儿”。

短语:keine scheie表示“没什么”。



1. Die Hunde haben berall scheie hinterlen. (Dogs left everywhere.)

2. Ich mchte nicht hren, wie du ber scheie redest. (I don't want to hear you speak about .)

3. Warum liegt hier eigentlich scheie rum? (Why is lying around here?)

4. Ich habe keine , die scheie wegzumachen. (I don't feel like cleaning up the .)

5. Was interessiert mich diese scheie? (What do I care about this ?)





例句:Il mare e le onde andiamo via. (II mare e Ie onde andiamo via.)


例句:It is a popular misconception (ie Many people wrongly believe) that all Scotsmen are mean. (很多人误以为苏格兰人都很小气。)


例句:When Netscape sees a NUL in a file it will typically not output anything else on that line whereas both IE and Lynx will. (当Netscape碰到NUL时就不会输出之后该行的任何内容而IE和Lynx都会。)


例句:As an example, IE9 does not even support gradients yet. (翻译:例如,IE9甚至不支持渐变色。)


scheie一般作为名词使用,如在Scheie syndrome(黏多糖贮积症iS型)、Scheie's syndrome(席耶氏综合征)等常见短语中出现较多。

Scheie syndrome黏多糖贮积症iS型
Scheie's syndrome席耶氏综合征


1. When Netscape sees a NUL in a file it will typically not output anything else on that line whereas both IE and Lynx will. (翻译:当Netscape碰到NUL时就不会输出之后该行的任何内容而IE和Lynx都会。)

2. As an example, IE9 does not even support gradients yet. (翻译:例如,IE9甚至不支持渐变色。)

3. Supporting IE is Like a Fork in the Eye for Web devs. (翻译:支持IE,对网页开发者来说就像是眼中刺。)

4. The Currency gets converted to the Specified one ie. Dollars, cents, Rupees, Paisa etc… (翻译:货币将被转换成指定的类型,如美元、分、卢比、派萨,等等。)

5. The rest are not enough to make most switchers switch back. (翻译:而剩下的并不足以让大部分的用户换回到IE8。)

6. So we find a private museum called David Samling (ie. David collection). (翻译:这次我们找了一家私人博物馆——很有名的大卫艺术收藏馆。)

7. Our friends over at Ars Technica found a way to use the IE9 preview engine within the IE9 beta chrome. (翻译:我们在Ars Technica的朋友发现一种方法,可以在IE9 beta chrome中使用IE9预览版引擎。)

8. Elsie, I only have one son so please do me a favour (翻译:ELS IE,我就这一个儿子 你帮帮我好不好?)

9. The German project architect, working on site, is Ole Scheeren. (翻译:在现场工作的这位德国工程建筑师是Ole Sche。)

10. Internet Explorer 10 might have accidentally become unpinned. To pin it back to your Start screen, follow these steps: (翻译:IE10可能偶尔会消失。在开始界面找回你的图标,按照以下步骤:)

11. At present there are many IE - designed plugins to call up procedures as if running IE. (翻译:目前有很多为IE设计的插件,它们会把调用的程序看作是IE。)

12. Julien Lemmens, Villers-Ie-Temple. (翻译:Julien Lemmens, Villers le Temple.)

13. Need IE working background, Lean Technology, 6sigma, KAIZEN working experience. (翻译:需要有IE工作背景,精益生产,6西格玛,改进等工作经历。)

14. This IE indicates the maximum and guaranteed bit rates of a GBR bearer for downlink and uplink. (翻译:该IE指示上行链路和下行链路的最大保证速率。)

15. -Here we are, tend to, uplasiaes them. (翻译:我们在这里,趋向,upla? ie? 他们。)

