
xs是什么意思 xs的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-12 07:43:22作者:醒着做梦

xs是什么意思 xs的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'xs'可以表示许多不同的含义,具体取决于上下文。可能是某些人名或地名的缩写,也可能是较为通用的Internet 缩写语,如“extra-small”、“excessively”、“extremely”等等。

2. 发音:'xs' 通常被读作 /ks s/ 或者 /ks l/,取决于其含义及上下文。

3. 应用范围:'xs'常常出现在书面或口语中,尤其是在网络交流或即时通讯中。

4. 使用频度:'xs'在日常生活中使用频率较高,尤其是在年轻人中,被广泛使用。


1. She bought an XS-sized dress for her daughter, hoping that it would fit her perfectly. (她给女儿买了一件XS码的连衣裙,希望它能够完美地穿在她身上。)

2. The new TV series is getting XS ratings, which is really disappointing for the producers. (这部新电视剧的收视率很低,让制片方感到非常失望。)

3. Jack is known as an XS entrepreneur, who has founded several successful start-ups. (杰克是一个著名的小型企业家,他创办了几家成功的初创企业。)

4. The doctor told him to cut down on sugar because his blood sugar level was XS. (医生告诉他要控制糖的摄入量,因为他的血糖水平过高。)

5. She was XS excited about her trip to Paris that she could hardly sleep the night before. (她对去巴黎的旅行非常兴奋,以至于前一天晚上几乎无法入睡。)




1. 这件衣服太小了,我需要一件XS号的。(This garment is too small, I need an XS size.)

2. 他悄悄地在试着偷我的XS耳机。(He's trying to steal my XS earphones quietly.)




例句:After my night with Harvard Hottie, it became quite obvious that my obsession with the Xs meant I'd gone native. (在那晚之后 很明显我离不开x家 是因为我被本土化了)


例句:You could be four Xs, you could be five Xs, you could be XO. (也可以是四个 X ,或者五个 X。甚至是 XO。)


xs一般作为名词使用,如在XS([计] 余三码)、xs.(n. 英语字母表的第 24 个字母;代表未知数\n[网络] 黑色第五代;紫萝马上站起来说)等常见短语中出现较多。

XS[计] 余三码
xs.n. 英语字母表的第 24 个字母;代表未知数\n[网络] 黑色第五代;紫萝马上站起来说


1. They have big red X's over their faces, okay, Jack? (翻译:- 他们有大红色XS过 他们的脸,还好,杰克?)

2. You could be two Xs and two Ys together. (翻译:你可以是两个 X 和两个 Y 组合在一起, )

3. For even more fun, create your Xs and Os with sticks, rocks, or pinecones. (翻译:为了更有趣,用棍子,岩石或松果来做你们的的x和o棋子吧。)

4. XS technology also ensures that the tweeter distributes sound over a greater area than traditional tweeters. (翻译:XS技术也保证了低音扩音器的能比传统的阔因为声音分散得更广。)

5. Compare and contrast with XS and swig. (翻译:与XS和SWIG相比较。)

