
睡觉用英语怎么说 睡觉的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-09 07:04:19作者:一世温言

睡觉用英语说" Sleep",还可以翻译为go to sleep,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与睡觉相关短语翻译和用法。

Time for bed bedtime sack time ( 睡觉时间 )

睡觉用英语怎么说 睡觉的英语翻译

I want to sleep I want sleeping Ich will schlafen ( 我想睡觉 )

1. Just try and get some sleep.

2. -We're gonna get laid, ght?

3. Let's sleep now. Let's go to beddy-byes.

4. Stop tossing aund. We'll sleep like this.

5. i don't want to go to sleep. i don't want to go to sleep.

6. "Hersh Doctor, doctor Hersch, doctor ".

7. Not sleeping... No sleeping...

8. Sleep. That 's all that 's on my mind ght now.

9. i want to go to sleep, just let me sleep.

10. [ Whispeng ] Did... you...

11. Why don't we go to bed Harry, huh?

12. You need to go home and get some sleep. We have a hell of a day tomorw.

