
miss universe是什么意思 miss universe的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-09 06:34:18作者:十友九狗

词义:Miss Universe是一个国际性的选美比赛,旨在评选出最美丽、最优秀的女性,代表全世界的美。该比赛由美国唐纳德于xx年创办,并由国际选美大赛公司(IMG)所有。


miss universe是什么意思 miss universe的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:miss Universe pageant(环球选美比赛)


发音拼写:[ms ju:niv:s]


1. Miss Universe is a global beauty pageant that has been held annually since its inception in 1952. (Miss Universe是自xx年成立以来每年举办的全球选美比赛。)

2. The Miss Universe competition is known for its glitz, glamour and stunning beauty. (Miss Universe比赛以其华丽、魅力和惊人的美丽而闻名。)

3. Contestants from around the world partite in the Miss Universe competition, representing their countries and showcasing their beauty and intelligence. (来自世界各地的选手参加Miss Universe比赛,代表他们的国家展示自己的美丽和智慧。)

4. Miss Universe winners have gone on to become successful models, actresses, and philanthrots, using their platform to make a positive impact on society. (Miss Universe的获胜者已成为成功的模特、演员和慈善家,利用他们的平台对社会产生积极影响。)

5. The Miss Universe pageant is broadcast in over 190 countries, reaching millions of viewers worldwide. (Miss Universe选美比赛在190多个国家播出,观众遍及全球数百万。)

6. The Miss Universe contest has faced criticism for its emphasis on physical beauty and appearance, rather than on accomplishments and intelligence. (Miss Universe比赛因过分强调外貌和容貌而受到批评,而不是关注成就和智慧。)

7. Despite controversy, the Miss Universe competition continues to be a highly antited event, with millions tuning in to watch the world's most beautiful women compete for the crown. (尽管有争议,但Miss Universe比赛仍然是一个备受期待的事件,数百万人收看最美丽的女性争夺皇冠。)


读音:[ms ju:nv:s]


1. Miss Universe 2021 will be held in Israel.


2. She won the Miss Universe title last year.


miss universe在中文中有"环球"的意思,还有环球的意思,读音为[missuniverse],miss universe在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到98个与miss universe相关的例句。

Miss universe的词典翻译


例句:{\cHFFFFFF}# Miss loving arms... # (# Miss loving arms... #)


miss universe一般作为名词使用,如在universe(宇宙 )、in the universe([网络] 在宇宙;在宇宙中;在宇宙里)、the universe(周天;乾坤;太虚)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the universe[网络] 在宇宙;在宇宙中;在宇宙里
the universe周天;乾坤;太虚
miss by差…就做成功…
miss it[网络] 错过;错过它;没找到,错过
to miss[网络] 想念;思念;错过
early universe早期宇宙
Euclidean universe欧几里得宇宙
Einstein universe爱因斯坦宇宙
existent universe[统计] 存在全域


1. Miss Dolores, could you have a look at somethin' for me? One thing. (翻译:Dolores女士 Miss Dolores,)

2. The natural order of the universe. (翻译:宇宙的自然法则 The natural order of the universe.)

3. Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza, was crowned Miss Universe 2008 in Vietnam's resort city of Nha Trang on Monday. (翻译:“2008环球”总决赛于本周一在越南旅游胜地芽庄市举行,委内瑞拉达雅娜•门多萨摘得桂冠。)

4. Miss Frost, you got a minute? (翻译:Miss Frost, you got a minute?)

5. Defender of the Universe ring, por favor. (翻译:Defender of the Universe ring, por favor.)

6. On a quest to invade every universe... (翻译:他想要入侵所有宇宙 On a quest to invade every universe...)

7. I bring these for Miss Kate. (翻译:I bring these for Miss Kate.)

8. We bever had such a contender before in 60 years of Miss Universe history! (翻译:这是在xx年来环球大赛候选者中史无前例的。)

9. architecture,art,beauty,math,physics,universe (翻译:architecture,art,beauty,math,physics,universe)

10. astronomy,chemistry,life,science,technology,universe (翻译:astronomy,chemistry,life,science,technology,universe)

11. astronomy,biology,life,technology,universe (翻译:astronomy,biology,life,technology,universe)

12. I guess what I'm trying to say is (翻译:l miss you. l miss you, too.)

13. Judge and Artist Zhang Huan with Miss Universe Entrant - image by Emma Zhang. (翻译:评委兼艺术家张洹与环球参赛者-艾玛张摄。)

14. Before the universe began? (翻译:宇宙诞生之前? Before the universe began?)

15. # The edge of the universe # (翻译:# The edge of the universe #)

