
dined是什么意思 dined的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-07 19:14:20作者:如顾初年



dined是什么意思 dined的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性与词源:'dined'是一个动词,来自于古法语的' disner',意为"用餐"。

2. 时态:'dined'是过去式,表示过去某个时间已经发生的行为。

3. 同义词:用餐的同义词包括'dine'、'eat'、'have a meal'等。

4. 情境应用:'dined'通常用于正式或高端用餐的场合,如酒店、餐厅、宴会等。

5. 常用搭配:'dined'通常与介词'on'或者'at'连用,表示在哪里用餐。


1. We dined at a fancy restaurant last night. 昨晚我们在一家高档餐厅用餐。

2. The couple dined on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful scenery. 这对夫妇在阳台上用餐,欣赏美丽的景色。

3. He dined with the queen at Buckingham Palace. 他在白金汉宫和女王用餐。

4. They dined together, discussing the details of their new project. 他们一起用餐,讨论他们新项目的细节。

5. Yesterday evening, I dined with some old friends from college. 昨晚我和一些大学的老朋友一起用餐。

dined的中文翻译为用餐、进餐,读音为 /dand/。


1. They dined at an expensive restaurant.


2. She dined alone in her room.


3. We dined on pizza and salad.





例句:The couple dined with Italian fashion firm Krizia founder Mariuccia Mandelli. (这对夫妇与意大利时尚公司克利琪亚的创始人马里于卡曼德利共进晚餐。)


例句:May I ask why you dined at that particular restaurant? (我能问一下 为什么你去哪家餐厅吃饭吗? May I ask why you dined at that particular restaurant?)


例句:I'm serious, man. We talked, we wooed, we dined, (我是说真的,老兄 我们一起聊天、追逐、吃饭...)


例句:He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel. (翻译:傍晚,他更觉冷清,一个人在摄政旅馆吃了饭。)


dined一般作为动词使用,如在dined in(un. 赴宴;在家吃饭)、dined on(na. 吃(鸡)\n[网络] 晚饭吃)、dined off(v. 吃)等常见短语中出现较多。

dined inun. 赴宴;在家吃饭
dined onna. 吃(鸡)\n[网络] 晚饭吃
dined offv. 吃
dined outna. 在外吃饭\n[网络] 外出用餐;外食
dined out on靠着...而被人邀去吃饭
wined and dined[网络] 热情款待


1. I'm serious, man. We talked, we wooed, we dined, (翻译:我是说真的,老兄 我们一起聊天、追逐、吃饭...)

2. He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel. (翻译:傍晚,他更觉冷清,一个人在摄政旅馆吃了饭。)

3. They dined at the Baccarat restaurant, where Eva Longoria and Tony Parker had their wedding rehearsal dinner. (翻译:他们在Baccarat餐厅用餐,伊娃-郎格莉亚和托尼-帕克在那里进行了他们婚礼预演的宴会。)

4. We have been here three weeks, and already we have dined at Rosings Park six times! (翻译:我们来了三星期 已经在罗新斯园 吃了6次晚餐)

5. I know a charming inn nearby. I've dined there on occasion. (翻译:我知道附近有个不错的旅馆 我曾经在那投宿)

6. Vicky and Juan Antonio dined together at a lovely little restaurant. (翻译:维琪跟安东尼奥 到一家可爱小餐馆共进晚餐)

7. We are dined and wined in the inner dining-room of the inn. (翻译:在旅店的内部餐厅,我们受到了酒宴款待。)

8. As for the meeting, first the Parthian dined with Gaius upon the Roman bank, and later Gaius supped with the king on the soil of the enemy. (翻译:至于这次会谈,帕提亚人先是在属于罗马人的河岸上与盖乌斯一道就餐,稍后盖乌斯又到敌方的领土上和大王共进晚餐。)

9. He later dined with Mr Kerkorian in Nashville to discuss the plan, having met Mr York in London. (翻译:而后,戈恩和克科里安在纳什维尔一起就餐,以讨论联盟计划;此前,他还在伦敦会见了约克。)

10. And last Thursday? You dined together at Le Petit Extra, no? (翻译:上周四你们在Le Petit Extra一起吃饭,对不?)

11. Is it true that on Wednesday, the 16th of this month you dined at the inn of Dona Julia? (翻译:本月xx日,礼拜三 你在多纳・朱丽亚酒馆用餐,对吗?)

12. I wined her and dined her at the Plantation Club. (翻译:我的款待她和她共进晚餐 在种植园俱乐部。)

13. They dined by candlelight. (翻译:他们在烛光下进餐。)

14. In New York, I dined with him, we did not gon into detail about the Real Madrid offers, but he told me that he will be loyal to Milan. (翻译:在纽约,我和他吃了顿饭,我们没有谈到关于皇马提供的合同的细节。)

15. We dined with my parents at a restaurant in town. (翻译:我们同我父母在城里一家餐馆吃饭。)



