
whiteboard是什么意思 whiteboard的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-07 16:38:20作者:阿卫

1. 定义和大致含义:

whiteboard是什么意思 whiteboard的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 功能和用途:


3. 相关技术和设备:



1. Our teacher uses a whiteboard to present new vocabulary in cl. (我们的老师用白板向我们展示新的词汇。)

2. The presenter used a whiteboard to ilrate his points during the meeting. (演讲者在会议期间使用白板来说明他的观点。)

3. The team used a whiteboard to brainstorm ideas for the new project. (团队使用白板为新项目进行头脑风暴。)

4. The company uses a digital whiteboard for remote meetings with clients. (公司使用数字白板进行与客户的远程会议。)

5. The students were excited to try the interactive whiteboard during their science cl. (学生们在科学课上尝试交互式白板感到很兴奋。)


读音:bi bn


1. The teacher wrote the lesson on the whiteboard.(老师在白板上写了这节课的内容。)

2. The team used a whiteboard to brainstorm ideas.(团队使用白板来进行头脑风暴。)

3. The company bought a new electronic whiteboard for meetings.(公司为会议购买了一块新的电子白板。)




例句:And pretty soon I'm up at the whiteboard sketching out a possible path to daylight and I'm just as excited as they are. (然后我会马上在白板上勾勒出一个可行的解决方案,然后我就会和那些企业家们一样高兴。)


例句:Take out a whiteboard and draw pictures and make connections that they can understand. (拿出小白板画一些图并且做连线游戏 这样他们就明白了。)


例句:When a company is ready to launch, Graham will sit with the founders and brainstorm key points, writing them down on a whiteboard. (如果一家公司即将开业,Graham就会和创业者们坐下来,一起思考其中的要点,并把这些东西列在白板上。)


例句:On that whiteboard and me chewing my tie. (翻译:百无聊赖的看你指着这块白板上的名字 on that whiteboard and me chewing my tie.)


whiteboard一般作为名词使用,如在digital whiteboard(数位白板)、electronic whiteboard(电子白板)、interactive whiteboard([网络] 交互白板;交互式电子白板;交互式白板)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital whiteboard数位白板
electronic whiteboard电子白板
interactive whiteboard[网络] 交互白板;交互式电子白板;交互式白板
shared whiteboard共享白板
whiteboard service白板服务


1. When a company is ready to launch, Graham will sit with the founders and brainstorm key points, writing them down on a whiteboard. (翻译:如果一家公司即将开业,Graham就会和创业者们坐下来,一起思考其中的要点,并把这些东西列在白板上。)

2. On that whiteboard and me chewing my tie. (翻译:百无聊赖的看你指着这块白板上的名字 on that whiteboard and me chewing my tie.)

3. If an interactive computer screen is to match a whiteboard in usefulness, it must be viewable from arm's length as well as from across a room. (翻译:如果一个交互式计算机屏幕要在实用性上与白板相匹配,它必须在手臂长度范围和横跨房间范围内是可视的。)

4. The only problem is getting the information down from the whiteboard so people can walk away with it. (翻译:唯一的问题是搜集信息下了白板,这样大家就可以走了。)

5. Nothing is more frustrating than being pushed out of a meeting room with all of your ideas stuck on a whiteboard. (翻译:在白板上写满东西之后却临时离开会议室该多么让人沮丧啊。)

6. All right, Jack, this is the whiteboard that's gonna run your life for the next 60 days. (翻译:好了杰克,这个是白板 是你接下来60天的生活必需品 我需要你每小时都看一遍)

7. He'd write a different menu on the side in a whiteboard marker to figure out what people wanted. (翻译:他每天也会在餐车的旁边立一块白板 上面写有当天的菜单 以此找出人们喜欢的菜式 )

8. Write the key discussion questions on a whiteboard or flipchart. (翻译:把关键性的讨论问题写在白板上或者活页白挂纸上。)

9. Brian Rakowski walks to the whiteboard in a small conference room in Building 41 on Google's Mountain View campus. (翻译:Google的MountainView总部41号大楼里,BrianRakowski在一个小会议室的白板前来回踱步。)

10. If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard, will black chalk chalk black on a white whiteboard then? (翻译:如果笔在黑板上写白色这个字,那黑粉笔在白色的书写板上会写黑色这个字吗?)

11. And sure enough, there were lots of them, like the whiteboard and some desks and tables. (翻译:当然,这样的例子随处可见,比如白板、桌子和椅子。)



