
手越佑也用英语怎么说 手越佑也英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-07 09:32:21作者:稚夏


1. Woo-sang! Tell him you're sorry!

2. with his hand he started moving back and forth farther and farther inside my skirt.

手越佑也用英语怎么说 手越佑也英语翻译

译文:他手... 开始动来动去... 在裙子里越伸越进去。

3. What about JEONG Woo-sang, the national star?

4. They used to call me Yuya the Fierce.

5. Yo technique is getting as good as mine,

6. i'm getting old... and the girls know it.

7. JEONG Woo-sang takes the lead!

8. So what if i chip away a bit, it actually settles .

9. - Yuya Kitajima. - Here. Yoko Kuno...

10. He's really good. Use to be JEONG's val!

11. Of cose i feel bad about what i did to Yuichi

12. pduced by KiM Mi-hee starng CHO Seung-woo

13. JEONG Woo-sang and CHO Won-il!

