
建国用英语怎么说 建国的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-07 07:22:21作者:喑哑

建国英语是" Founding",其次还可以说成"found a state -",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到45个与建国相关翻译和例句。

The Founding of a Republic The Founding of Founding of the Nation ( 建国大业 )

建国用英语怎么说 建国的英语翻译

International Donors Conference on Reconstruction of Gaza Stp ( 加沙地带重建国际捐助者会议 )

Chienkuo Technolo University ( 建国科技大学 )

Jianguo Hotel Shanghai ( 上海建国宾馆 )

1. A family fend told me that Jianguo might be able to leave China on medical pale, and i asked him many times if he would consider it.


2. On the impact of Aliya on the Founding of israel

3. And o Founding Fathers knew about this.

4. konkuk . then near the red distct ? - yes , sir.

5. And o Founding Fathers knew about this.

6. Aren't you prepared to die? Oh, no, John. No!

7. Fm the construction company!

8. it was declared by Radovan Karadzic this morning.

9. How do you think we got contl of the land? By being nice?

10. He knew they wouldn't give us the Republic.

11. The Founding Fathers belid the same thing about government.

12. For the GDR's 40th anniversary.

13. And when it is, we're gonna need some people with a lot of skill to rebuild this country.

14. Also, The Founding of a Republic...

15. He's always for building the state via CPPCC

