
forst是什么意思 forst的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-31 21:30:27作者:哼你管我


forst是什么意思 forst的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. “forest”(森林)的误拼写

2. “For Sale”(待售)的缩写

3. “Full On Rafting Safety Training”(全方位漂流安全训练)的简称


1. `forest`的误拼写:

- 词性:noun, verb

- 含义:森林

- 例句:

1. We went camping in the forst last summer.(去年夏天我们在森林里露营。)

2. The forst covers an area of 500 hectares.(这片森林占地面积500公顷。)

3. They forsted the area to create a new wildlife habitat.(他们在这个地区植树造林,建立了新的野生动物栖息地。)

4. The company is accused of forsting in protected areas.(这家公司被指控在保护区内进行了非法砍伐。)

2. `For Sale` 的缩写:

- 词性:缩写词

- 含义:待售(用于标示某物或房屋正在出售)

- 例句:

1. The sign outside the house read "Forst"(房子外面的标志写着 "Forst"。)

2. I saw a car with a "Forst" sign on the window.(我看见一辆车挂着一个 "Forst" 的标志挂在车窗上。)

3. This property is listed as "Forst" on the real estate website.(这个房产在房地产网站上被列为 "Forst"。)

4. The homeowners put their house "Forst" as they need to move overseas.(房主们把自己的房子标上 "Forst",因为他们需要搬到海外。)

3. `Full On Rafting Safety Training` 的简称:

- 词性:缩写词

- 含义:全方位漂流安全训练(用于描述一种专业的漂流安全培训课程)

- 例句:

1. The F.O.R.S.T. course includes both theory and practical training.(F.O.R.S.T.课程包括理论和实践培训。)

2. They offer F.O.R.S.T. courses for all levels of rafting experience.(他们为各级漂流经验提供F.O.R.S.T.课程。)

3. After completing F.O.R.S.T. training, you will be able to handle any situation on the river.(完成F.O.R.S.T.培训后,您将能够处理河上任何情况。)

4. The company requires all rafting guides to p the F.O.R.S.T. test before leading any tours.(在领导任何旅游之前,该公司要求所有漂流导游通过F.O.R.S.T.考试。)





1. Der Nationalpark ist ein groer forst, der vielen Tieren Schutz bietet.

The national park is a large forest that provides protection for many animals.

2. In der Nhe meines Hauses gibt es einen schnen forst, in dem ich gerne spazieren gehe.

There is a beautiful forest near my house where I like to take walks.




例句:Of course they did. That's our tragedy, isn't it, Mr. Forst? (当然看不起了。那是我们的悲哀,难道不是么?福克斯先生?)


例句:"We expect that every part of the University is going to have to find ways to reduce its operating expenses, " Forst said. (Forst说:“我们希望学校的每一部分都将找到减少运行开支的方式”。)


例句:The Russians also have their own Santa Claus-Grandfather Forst. (俄国人有他们自己的圣诞老人--森林爷爷。)


例句:Walter Forst. From the personal supplies of the Ortsgruppenleiter. (翻译:沃尔特福斯特 是奥斯古莱特的 私人供给)


forst一般作为名词使用,如在Evodia Forst([医] 吴茱萸属)、forst bulb([电] 磨沙灯泡)、dichondra repens forst(马蹄金(F.K.);过墙风(H.M.))等常见短语中出现较多。

Evodia Forst[医] 吴茱萸属
forst bulb[电] 磨沙灯泡
dichondra repens forst马蹄金(F.K.);过墙风(H.M.)
lycopodium squarrosum forst杉叶石松
Mata Forst.[医] 象牙树属
pemphis acidula forst水芫华(陈嵘)
ulex n forst小刺金雀花
Xylosma Forst. f.[医] 刺柞属, 柞木属


1. The Russians also have their own Santa Claus-Grandfather Forst. (翻译:俄国人有他们自己的圣诞老人--森林爷爷。)

2. Walter Forst. From the personal supplies of the Ortsgruppenleiter. (翻译:沃尔特福斯特 是奥斯古莱特的 私人供给)

3. That onwhich, when morning came, he finally decided was topitch some clothes into a portmanteau and jump onboard a boat that was leaving that very afternoon forSt. Augustine. (翻译:时至清晨,他最后的决定是把几件衣服扔进旅行箱,去乘当天下午起锚驶往圣奥古斯丁的轮船。)

4. Forst of all, labor force as commodity means the indepedence of the laborer's personality. (翻译:首先,劳动力商品意味着劳动者人格的化。)

5. Comparative anatomical observation on leaf of Vernicia Lour and Aleutites Forst. (翻译:标题油桐属与石栗属叶的比较解剖观察。)

6. Unlike tax-free debt, these bonds can be used for any University expenditure and thus increase Harvard's cash flexibility, Forst said. (翻译:和免税债券不同,这些有息债券可以为学校的任一项花费使用,并提高哈佛的财务灵活性。)

7. The winter's forst must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen. (翻译:只有冬天的寒霜撕碎了坚果的芒刺,才能看到果实。)

8. The children are saying goodbye to the baby panda. And she is happy to go back into the forst. (翻译:孩子们跟熊宝宝道别,并且她高兴的回到森林。)

