
萨松用英语怎么说 萨松的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-31 20:24:27作者:喵小懒


萨松用英语怎么说 萨松的英语翻译

1. Get out of the pes! Get out of the pes!

2. You take the bottom section. i'll do the top.

3. This guy's the guy that's worked with rybody fm Elvis to Quentin Tarantino and Robert Redford and Bruce Lee and Freddy Krueger and rybody else.

译文:约翰. 萨克松又了 这个家伙和每个从艾利维斯到 昆廷.。

4. - Marathon, Berlin-Marathon.

5. Her name is Lisa. Strumpet Lisa.

6. And toward the end, he said, "if you would know the pine tree, go to the pine tree."

译文:临终前,他说 “欲知松 先问松”(松の事は松に习へ)。

7. John...what are you doing?

8. Mr Sasson built the world's first digital camera in 1975.

9. Should we lose him a little bit?

10. "What he'll dare do is amazing"

11. Desisa is the 2013 champion of the elites.

12. Antxon Elorza, "the pfessor."

