
most是什么意思 most的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-31 18:04:27作者:探险家

1. 词义:most是一个形容词,表示“大多数的”、“最多的”、“最高的”、“最重要的”等意思。它也可以作为副词,表示“非常地”、“最”,用于构成比较级或最高级。

most是什么意思 most的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:most是形容词或副词。

3. 词组搭配:

most of:大多数

most likely:最有可能的

at most:最多

the most:最多的

for the most part:大多情况下

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:[mst]

6. 相关例句:

- Most people like to eat pizza.


- The most important thing is to stay healthy.


- She has the most beautiful voice in the choir.


- I can at most give you ten minutes to finish the test.


- Most likely, he will arrive at the airport at 5 pm.


- For the most part, people here are friendly and helpful.


- She is the most dedicated employee we have ever had.




1. Most people like to eat pizza.(大多数人喜欢吃披萨。)

2. She is the most beautiful girl in the cl.(她是班上最漂亮的女孩。)

3. Most of the students are from China.(大部分学生来自中国。)

4. He finished most of his homework last night.(昨晚他完成了大部分的作业。)

5. The most important thing is to be honest.(最重要的是诚实。)

6. Most of the time, he is very quiet.(大部分时间,他很安静。)

7. The most common disease in this area is malaria.(这个地区最常见的疾病是疟疾。)

8. Most of the houses in this neighborhood are very old.(这个社区大部分房子都很旧。)

9. The most famous landmark in Paris is the Eiffel Tower.(巴黎最著名的地标是埃菲尔铁塔。)




1. Most people enjoy spending their weekends with family and friends.(大多数人喜欢与家人和朋友一起度过周末。)

2. The most important thing is to always try your best.(最重要的事情是始终尽力而为。)

3. This restaurant has the most delicious food I have ever tasted.(这家餐厅的食物是我尝过的最美味的。)

4. He is the most talented musician in the orchestra.(他是交响乐团中最有才华的音乐家。)

5. The most beautiful sunset I have ever seen was in Hawaii.(我见过的最美丽的日落是在夏威夷。)




例句:Oh, I almost forgot, the most important part. (the most important part.)


例句:Ramius trained most of their officer corps. (Ramius trained most of their officer corps...)


例句:That is the most efficient way (- That is the most efficient way)


例句:Word of advice, brother. Sir, we are cousins at most. (翻译:we are cousins at most.)


most一般作为介词、副词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在most of(大多数,大部分)、the most([俚语]最好;绝妙)、the most of(大部分,大多数)等常见短语中出现较多。

most of大多数,大部分
the most[俚语]最好;绝妙
the most of大部分,大多数
at most至多,最多;充其量;不超过
for most purposes对大多数(实用)场合来说,在很多(实际)场合
in most case在大多数情况下
in most cases在多数情况下
in most instances在大多数情况下
Krasnyy Most[地名] 红莫斯特 ( 俄 )


1. That is the most efficient way (翻译:- That is the most efficient way)

2. Word of advice, brother. Sir, we are cousins at most. (翻译:we are cousins at most.)

3. Sister, what worries you the most? (翻译:what worries you the most?)

4. Most important meal of the day. (翻译:Most important meal of the day.)

5. Oh, it be most pleasant to see you again. (翻译:Oh, it be most pleasant to see you again.)

6. Right, I understand, but I think right now, the most important thing is to find that boy. (翻译:the most important thing is to find that boy.)

7. I love you, my most precious girl. (翻译:my most precious girl.)

8. They'll do a box out to 50. (翻译:Could take most of a day.)

9. A most unpleasant creature. (翻译:A most unpleasant creature.)

10. They grow up in the most delightful way (翻译:They grow up in the most delightful way)

11. Believing is the most important thing. (翻译:Believing is the most important thing.)

12. I have to have the most expensive thing. (翻译:I have to have the most expensive thing.)

13. And it affects you in the most peculiar way (翻译:And it affects you in the most peculiar way)

14. Same rate most folks get a haircut. (翻译:Same rate most folks get a haircut.)

15. See, this is why you were voted most depressing. (翻译:this is why you were voted most depressing.)

