
hale是什么意思 hale的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-31 12:24:28作者:醉〆红尘

hale是什么意思 hale的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:健康的,强壮的。也可用作动词,表示召唤、振作。

2. 词性:形容词,动词。

3. 常用场景:用于形容人的健康状态,可以用于医学、健身等领域。

4. 词组搭配:

- hale and hearty:健壮、健康

- hale person:健康的人

- hale and hearty appetite:美好的食欲

- hail and farewell:问候和告别

5. 相关短语:

- in fine fettle:处于良好状态

- fit as a fiddle:状态极佳,健康得像小提琴一样

- full of beans:充满精力,活力十足

- sound as a bell:声音清晰

- as fit as a flea:状态良好

6. 发音拼写: 英 [hel] 美 [hel]


- She is a hale and hearty person who exercises every day.

- The doctor said that his patient was hale and healthy.

- Let's hale the meeting to order.



1. He is a hale and hearty old man.(他是一个健康强壮的老人。)

2. She looks as hale as ever.(她看起来像往常一样健康。)

3. Despite his hale appearance, he is suffering from a chronic illness.(尽管他看起来健康,但他正在患有一种慢性疾病。)

4. The hale breeze made me feel invigorated.(清新的微风让我感到精神焕发。)

5. A hale and hearty diet is important for overall health.(健康的饮食对整体健康很重要。)

6. She maintained a hale disposition even during the most challenging times.(即使在最艰难的时刻,她仍然保持着精神状态不错。)

7. The hale condition of the plants indicated they had been well cared for.(植物的健康状况表明它们得到了良好的护理。)

8. His hale voice could be heard from across the room.(他浑厚的嗓音甚至可以听到房间的另一边。)

9. She impressed her colleagues with her hale work ethic.(她以她的健康的工作态度给同事留下了深刻印象。)




1. He's old but still hale and hearty. (他年纪大了,但仍然健康强壮。)

2. The hale and hearty man is always full of energy. (这个健康强壮的男子总是充满活力。)

3. She lived to a hale and hearty old age. (她活到了健康强壮的老年。)




例句:Yeah, all we got to do is convince City Council to stomp on Hale's dream. (我们要做的就是让市议会 扼杀hale的梦想)


例句:When David Hale's first story about me was disproved, Starr let him change it until Hale finally came up with a version that was not disprovable. (当戴维黑尔第一次指证我的话被证实是无中生有时,斯塔尔就让他不断修改,直到指证最终被证实可用为止。)


例句:I can only imagine the poison Hale's gonna pour in Lowell's ear. (我能想象的出Hale警官告诉Lowell 时他的样子)


例句:I'm always there for you and for Trick and for Hale, and, and, Trick-- (翻译:我总是随时在为你服务 还有为Trick 还有为Hale 还有 还有 Trick...)


hale一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在hale and hearty(健康活跃,矍铄)、Hale Bank([地名] 黑尔班克 ( 英 ))、Hale Center([地名] 黑尔森特 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

hale and hearty健康活跃,矍铄
Hale Bank[地名] 黑尔班克 ( 英 )
Hale Center[地名] 黑尔森特 ( 美 )
Hale County[地名] 黑尔县 ( 美 )
Hale cycle[网络] 黑尔周期;海尔周期
Hale Observatories[网络] 赫尔天文台;黑尔天文台
Hale telescope海尔望远镜
Nathan Hale[网络] 海尔;爱国主义者海尔;黑尔
peck and hale[网络] 叠架捆货法


1. I can only imagine the poison Hale's gonna pour in Lowell's ear. (翻译:我能想象的出Hale警官告诉Lowell 时他的样子)

2. I'm always there for you and for Trick and for Hale, and, and, Trick-- (翻译:我总是随时在为你服务 还有为Trick 还有为Hale 还有 还有 Trick...)

3. If Hale could be bought, we'd have him. (翻译:如果Hale能收买到 我们早就收买到他了)

4. Katherine Hale asked me about Albert Fekus, the guard! (翻译:Katherine Hale问我那个狱警 Albert Fekus的事)

5. You and Denise coming to Hale's service? (翻译:你和Denise参加Hale的追悼会吗?)

6. companion Peter Orlovsky, caretakers Rosenthal &Hale, Bill Morgan (翻译:我的伴侣彼得奥洛夫斯基,管家人罗森塔尔以及赫尔,比尔莫金 )

7. - You okay, sir? - [Screams] - Hale and hearty, my good man. (翻译:更可气的是 他还在每个犯罪现场 都留下了恶作剧)

8. I mean, Jacob Hale's been laying this track for more than five years now. (翻译:Jacob Halexx年了 一直在和我们作对)

9. Hale is looking over every department and yours is running behind on diagnostics. (翻译:黑尔正在检查所有部门 你们部门诊断进度落后了)

10. Oh, baby. HALE: I knewStahlwas setting Opie up as a rat. (翻译:我知道是Stahl陷害Opie成个告密者)

11. Special agents Ray Cumberland, Wilson Hale. FBI. (翻译:特工雷 坎伯兰 威尔逊 赫尔,联邦调查局)

12. Hale will{\'s gonna} have to wait days to get San Joaquin to shake loose a forensic unit. (翻译:Hale会等几天 才能等到San Joaquin金属的检查报告)

13. Comet Hale-Bopp, discovered in 1995 was an unusually bright comet. (翻译:xx年发现的海尔-波普彗星是一颗异常明亮的彗星。)

14. Hale explains that they tried to call him to get an exact location, but they couldn't get through. (翻译:Hale解释他们试图给Quinn打电话以确定他具体的方位,但是电话接不通。)

15. Oh, your bottom line went red as soon as Hale took all your acreage. (翻译:Hale一收走你的地皮, 你的底线就被突破)




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