
goldberg是什么意思 goldberg的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-31 07:48:27作者:拥你心安


goldberg是什么意思 goldberg的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 姓氏:Goldberg是一种常见的姓氏,特别是在犹太人社区中。这个姓氏可能来源于德语单词“Gold”和“Berg”,意为“金山”。


- I met a man named Goldberg at the conference yesterday.

- The famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach had a student named Johann Gottlieb Goldberg.

2. 电视节目:Goldberg可以指代一系列的电视节目,如"The Goldberg Variations"和"The Goldbergs"。前者是以著名的音乐家约翰塞巴斯蒂安的作品命名的,而后者是一部以xx年代为背景的喜剧。


- I really enjoyed watching "The Goldbergs" on TV last night.

- The latest eode of "The Goldberg Variations" featured a performance by a famous pianist.

3. 缩写词:Goldberg在计算机科学领域中也用作缩写词。GOLDBERG代表一个算法,该算法用于解决最小费用流问题。


- We used the GOLDBERG algorithm to solve the transportation problem in our project.

- The GOLDBERG method is known for its high efficiency in finding optimal solutions.

4. 其他:Goldberg还可以指代其他事物,如地名、商标和人名等。


- Goldberg Street is located in the heart of the city.

- The Goldberg beer brand is very popular in Germany.

- The wrestler Bill Goldberg is known for his strength and athleticism.

goldberg 的中文翻译为“戈德伯格”,读音为“old'b”。例句:Goldberg是一位出色的音乐家和作曲家,他的音乐作品深受全球观众的喜爱。 (Goldberg is an outstanding musician and composer, and his music works are loved by audiences around the world.)




例句:The next day when the teacher said "Goldberg, translate and explain, " Goldberg replied, "Goldberg is absent today . " (第二天,这位教师又说:“古德伯格,翻译并解释。”古德伯格回答说:“古德伯格今天缺席。”)


例句:And we came up with some parameters, because, you know, building a Rube Goldberg machine has limitations, but it also is pretty wide open. (我们提出了几套方案-- 要知道,制造一套鲁宾戈德堡装置 是有很多局限的, 但发挥的空间也很广。)


例句:“Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State”, by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg. Princeton University Press (《超越机械的市场:资产价格波动、风险和国家的角色》,罗曼弗莱德曼和迈克尔哥德堡合著,普林斯顿大学出版社。)


例句:"Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State", by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg. Princeton University Press. (翻译:《超越机械的市场:资产价格波动、风险和国家的角色》,罗曼弗莱德曼和迈克尔哥德堡合著,普林斯顿大学出版社。)


goldberg一般作为名词使用,如在Goldberg wedge(戈尔德贝格光楔)、Rube Goldberg(小题大作的;简单事情复杂化的)、the goldberg variations(哥德堡变奏曲)等常见短语中出现较多。

Goldberg wedge戈尔德贝格光楔
Rube Goldberg小题大作的;简单事情复杂化的
the goldberg variations哥德堡变奏曲
Goldberg Mohn friction戈德堡-莫恩摩擦力
Reuben Lucius Goldberg[网络] 鲁本卢修斯戈德伯格
Rube Goldberg machine[网络] 戈德堡机械;鲁比高堡机器;鲁布戈德堡机械
Rube Goldberg machines[网络] 戈德堡机械装置;机器


1. “Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State”, by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg. Princeton University Press (翻译:《超越机械的市场:资产价格波动、风险和国家的角色》,罗曼弗莱德曼和迈克尔哥德堡合著,普林斯顿大学出版社。)

2. "Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State", by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg. Princeton University Press. (翻译:《超越机械的市场:资产价格波动、风险和国家的角色》,罗曼弗莱德曼和迈克尔哥德堡合著,普林斯顿大学出版社。)

3. That Rube Goldberg machine, it had about 130 interactions in it. (翻译:那个戈德堡机械, 它大概有130个互动关节, )

4. And they explained that they wanted kind of a Rube Goldberg machine. (翻译:他们解释说他们想要 一个类似鲁宾戈德堡装置那样的机器。)

5. Maximilian Bercovicz, Patrick Goldberg were already spoken for. (翻译:麦西米・白维兹 派屈克・高伯 转葬事宜都已谈妥)

6. And we came up with some parameters that -- you know, building a Rube Goldberg machine has limitations, but it also is pretty wide open. (翻译:我们提出了几套方案--要知道,制造一套鲁宾戈德堡装置是有很多局限的,但发挥的空间也很广。)

7. Mainly the Goldberg variations, especially Glenn Gould's versions. (翻译:主要是Goldberg的变化 特别是GlennGould的 版本。)

8. Goldberg, this is about com... (翻译:戈德伯格 这和理.. Goldberg, this is about com...)

9. One is a print-on-demand machine that looks like a Rube Goldberg machine. (翻译:其中一个就是像鲁布戈德堡机器的按需打印机)

10. Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg. (翻译:它也从事激烈的战斗,与杀害后,汤姆。)

11. But the lottery would come and Goldberg wouldn't win. (翻译:可是开彩了,戈德堡没有中。)

12. In the script, by Rogen and his perennial pal Evan Goldberg, even Britt's back story is a male dilemma. (翻译:在脚本,由罗根和他的朋友埃文常年戈德堡,甚至Britt的背景故事是一个男的困境。)

13. Following the meeting, Mr. Goldberg told reporters in Beijing that the discussions were 'very positive' and part of a continuing process. (翻译:会议之后,戈德堡在北京告诉记者说,讨论“非常积极”,这也是一个持续过程的组成部分。)

14. Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg. (翻译:它也从事激烈的战斗,与杀害后,汤姆戈德堡。)

15. I'm Dr. Goldberg, here to check on Mr. Castle. (翻译:我是Goldberg医生 是来给Castle先生做检查的)




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