
ceo2是什么意思 ceo2的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 22:30:28作者:弃权


ceo2是什么意思 ceo2的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:ceo2即Chief Executive Officer的简称,中文意思是首席执行官,是一家公司的高级管理人员职位,通常在公司董事会下面,负责公司的日常经营和管理。


词组搭配:CEO succession(CEO人),CEO salary(CEO的薪水),CEO turnover(CEO更迭率)




1. Tim Cook is the current CEO of Apple Inc.蒂姆库克是目前苹果公司的CEO。

2. The CEO is responsible for all of the major corporate decisions. CEO负责做出所有重大公司决策。

3. The CEO of the company announced their plans to expand into new markets. 公司的CEO宣布了他们进军新市场的计划。

4. The CEO held a meeting with the board of directors to discuss the company's financial performance. CEO与董事会举行会议,讨司的财务表现。

5. After a long search, the company finally found a new CEO to lead the company. 经过长时间的寻找,公司终于找到了一位新的CEO来领导公司。

'ceo2'是缩写,意为Chief Executive Officer的二次方,表示一个公司的高级领导层。它的中文翻译是“首席执行官的平方”,读音为“siitu”。以下是一个例句:

例句:The ceo2 of the company made a bold decision and it paid off in the end.





例句:Jeredkennais thec.E.O.Of tradehill. (杰瑞德肯纳是TradeHill的CEO)


例句:Tug Brantley. CEO of the Aggro Push energy drink. (Tug Brantley 暴力推进能量饮料的CEO)


例句:If Sweeney takes a plea, he can be removed as CEO. (如果Sweeney认罪了 他就不再担任CEO)


ceo2一般作为名词使用,如在CEO((=Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer);总裁;执行长)、us ceo([网络] 中海油)、virtual CEO([网络] 虚拟执行长)等常见短语中出现较多。

CEO(=Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer);总裁;执行长
us ceo[网络] 中海油
virtual CEO[网络] 虚拟执行长
P2A2[=pulmonic second heart sound greater than aort second heart sound]肺动脉瓣区第二音大于主动脉瓣区第二音
diskette 2[计] 双面单密度软磁盘
exec 2EXEC 2语言
hydrogen 2[核] 氢2
internet 2网际网路第二代
layer 2第 二 层(电脑网路)


1. If Sweeney takes a plea, he can be removed as CEO. (翻译:如果Sweeney认罪了 他就不再担任CEO)

2. The CEO questioned the need to recall all cheese products, suggesting that the listeria victims themselves could have been responsible for the sickness. (翻译:CEO责怪孩子 被要求将所有奶酪产品召回的CEO 指称李斯特菌感染者自己)

3. Diane, you knew the CEO before Camilla. What was his name? (翻译:Diane 你知道Camilla之前的CEO叫什么)

4. I wish the APEC CEO Summit a complete success. (翻译:我预祝本届APEC CEO峰会取得圆满成功! )

5. Gretchen Construbias, the CEO of Da Huey? (翻译:格雷琴•康斯特鲁比亚斯 Da Huey的CEO)

6. In 2007, an international organization of CEOs found that 43% of CEOs are first borns 33% are middle children, and 23% are last borns. (翻译:xx年,一个国际 CEO 组织发现43%的 CEO 是老大,33%是中间的孩子,23%是家中最小的孩子。)

7. The CEO and Director approved of this. (翻译:这是社长做出的决定 而且刚才已经和局长说过了)

8. Nokia dumps CEO, turns to Microsoft exec. (翻译:诺基亚新的CEO,前微软执行总裁。)

9. As founder and ceo of innovative, (翻译:Richards是创新公司的建立者和首席执行官)

10. The number of CeO2 particles increases significantly after carbon nanotubes are pretreated. (翻译:经过预处理后的碳纳米管,沉积在碳纳米管上的颗粒数量明显增多。)

11. It tripled in size this year, and Rive, its CEO and cofounder, expects it to double next year. (翻译:今年规模增加了2倍,赖夫,公司CEO,也是创建者之一,期望明年可以再翻番。)

12. The board balks at the proposal to replace the CEO. (翻译:董事会对替换ceo的提议犹豫不决。)

13. CEO of Erobos Sports and a defendant... (翻译:他是Erobos体育用品公司的CEO 也是被告)

14. For one thing, most of the CEOs have already been to Burning Man. (翻译:除了大部分CEO 确实都曾去过火人节。)

15. Dunning is the CEO of Browning-Orvis. (翻译:邓宁... 是布朗宁・欧维思的首席执行官)


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