
putt是什么意思 putt的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 22:30:28作者:夜芹

1. 词义和用法:


putt是什么意思 putt的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音和拼写:


3. 词源:


4. 应用场景:

'putt'主要应用于高尔夫球比赛场合。此外,它也可以用来表示轻松的推销或者轻轻拍打等含义,比如:“I’ll just putt this idea to you and see what you think.”(我会给你轻轻推荐一个主意,看看你怎么想。)


1. He finally made the putt and won the tournament.(他最终推入,赢得了比赛。)

2. After three-putting the last hole, he missed out on the cut.(在最后一个洞推了三杆后,他没有进入决赛轮。)

3. The golfer practiced putting on the green every day.(高尔夫球手每天在果岭上练习推杆。)

4. I’ll just putt this question to you and see if you know the answer.(我会向你提出这个问题,看看你是否知道答案。)

5. She felt relaxed as she listened to the sound of the ocean, gently putt-putting in the background.(她听着海洋的声音,感到放松,背景里有轻轻的拍打声。)



1. I hope I can make this putt.(我希望我能把这个推杆打进去。)

2. She has a great putt.(她的推杆非常棒。)

3. He missed the putt and lost the game.(他没能打进推杆,输掉了比赛。)

4. I need to practice my putt.(我需要训练我的推杆。)

5. His putting technique is excellent.(他的推杆技巧非常出色。)

6. The ball just missed the putt.(球跑过了推杆。)

7. She made a perfect putt to win the game.(她用完美的推杆赢得了比赛。)

8. He was nervous as he lined up the putt.(他站在推杆线上时非常紧张。)

9. The golfer studied the green before attempting the putt.(高尔夫球手在尝试推杆前仔细研究了果岭。)




1. He made a great putt to win the match.(他推进了一个很棒的推杆,赢得了比赛。)

2. I need to work on my putting if I want to improve my golf game.(如果我想提高高尔夫球水平,我需要练习推杆。)

3. She sunk a long putt on the final hole to secure her victory.(她在最后一个洞推进了一个长距离的推杆,确保了她的胜利。)




例句:Putt it right in the middle. (把它就放在正中间吧。)


例句:After I make this putt, you owe me $20,000. (ネレマ ヌ・デ跂 ネ衵・ヌ瞆ムネノ。 モパ趾 耘淸 硼 ネワ 20 テ矍 マ趁ヌム)


例句:Hit it around the tower, sink your putt and we'll go to sudden death. (快乐,绕着塔台打 推杆入洞,就可以平手了)


例句:If the putter head twists the width of a human hair on a 15-foot putt, the putt will miss by more than an inch on either side. (翻译:如果杆头在一记15英尺长的推杆中偏了一根头发丝的距离,那推杆结果就会偏一英寸。)


putt一般作为名词、动词使用,如在putt-putt(噗噗声)、pitch and putt(n. 小场地高尔夫球\n[网络] 推杆高尔夫球;业余高尔夫;小型高尔夫球)等常见短语中出现较多。

pitch and puttn. 小场地高尔夫球\n[网络] 推杆高尔夫球;业余高尔夫;小型高尔夫球


1. Hit it around the tower, sink your putt and we'll go to sudden death. (翻译:快乐,绕着塔台打 推杆入洞,就可以平手了)

2. If the putter head twists the width of a human hair on a 15-foot putt, the putt will miss by more than an inch on either side. (翻译:如果杆头在一记15英尺长的推杆中偏了一根头发丝的距离,那推杆结果就会偏一英寸。)

3. The Mercury Atlas Space vehicle, which will putt John Glenn the first American into Earth orbit, has already undergone 5 unmanned flight tests. (翻译:即将搭仔第一个进入地球轨道的美国人约翰的 水星擎天神太空船 已经通过五次无人飞行测试)

4. I caught you on the news missing that putt on the 12th. (翻译:我在新闻上看到你在12洞丢了个小鸟球 I caught you on the news missing that putt on the 12th.)

5. He sank a 12-foot putt to win the match. (翻译:他以一记12英尺的轻击入洞赢了比赛。)

6. Just about the only ships willing to risk the voyage are small, wooden, putt-putt freighters from India, essentially floating jalopies from another era. (翻译:愿意来此地冒险的大都是来自印度的轻型木制小货船,这些船基本上都是些老掉牙的陈年古董。)

7. I'll just putt the ball down the fairway, then. (翻译:- 那就好 我要把球打到草地上还有别的事吗)

8. As long as Pete can't find them the next time he decides to build a putt-putt course in the ovoid quarantine. (翻译:只要Pete下次想在形隔离区 建迷你高尔夫球场时找不到就行)

9. If it feels as if you're headed into that situation as you approach a putt, step back and rethink what's going on. (翻译:如果你在推杆的时候也陷入了这种情况的话,请后退一步,重新想想呆会应该发生什么呢?)

10. Visitors will be able to pitch and putt at an indoor golf area in the two-story pavilion. (翻译:这个两层的场馆将设立室内高尔夫球场,游客可打高球、推杆球。)

11. So, when we come play putt-putt, we bring our own putters, and then I do this. (翻译:所以,当我们来到 打推杆推, 我们把我们自己的推杆, 然后我做到这一点。)

12. On the green, you're allowed to mark your ball and clean it , and you have to mark it if it lies in the path of someone else's putt. (翻译:你允许在草地上标记高尔夫球并对其进行清洁,当你的球位于别人击球入洞的路径上时,你应对球进行标记。)

13. I'd say we're, Iike, a nine-iron from the dance floor, then a two-putt to the cup. (翻译:我说,我们喜欢的九条轨道在地面上 让我们两个在杯中。)

14. That putt you sank to win the British Open... (翻译:让你赢得英国公开赛的那一杆... That putt you sank to win the British Open...)

15. How could some clown just waltz over here, cut these ropes, and putt away? (翻译:怎么可能有小丑 刚华尔兹在这里 削减这些绳索,推走?)




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