
镀锌层用英语怎么说 镀锌层的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-29 19:56:29作者:浅唱こ流年

镀锌层英语是"zinc coated",还可以翻译为zinc coat,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到51个与镀锌层相关短语释义和例句。

1. Steel pallet divides into power coated steel pallet or galvanizes steel pallet.

镀锌层用英语怎么说 镀锌层的英语翻译

2. it achis bimetallic joint corsion resistance required by the increased use of galvanized metal.


3. Hot-dipped extra and ultra - stren galvanized steels have been widely used in tomobile bodies for ptecting them fm being corded.


4. NET exploite method: application expression layer, operation logic layer, data interview layer and data storage layer.


5. The outer sle is aluminum, inner sle is hot-dip galvanized seel.

6. Hot zinc-diping slag is waste slag pduced in hot zinc-diping industry.

7. Okay, this is galvanized steel like ordinary household plumbing there we go now with some incentive

8. Domestically, no cyanogen zinc acid salt galvanized is still the mainstream.

9. it is that sense of moral responsibility that galvanizes collective action.

10. - Black powder, blasting caps, 3/4-inch galvanized pipe.

11. Analysis and study on the optimal conditions for the expement "coating zinc on cupper plate"

12. Tuble-shooting of Zn electplating with sylvine

13. Ll-one, ll-o, il-three, ll-fo.

14. Galvanized low carbon steel wire for armoing cables


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