
ron paul是什么意思 ron paul的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-29 19:24:29作者:夜◇无忧

ron paul是什么意思 ron paul的中文翻译、读音、例句

Ron Paul是一个人名,指的是美国的家和作家Ronald Ernest Paul。他曾经是德克萨斯州众议员、2008和xx年美国总统候选人,以及著有多本书的自由主义者。




发音拼写:/rn pl/


1. Ron Paul is a well-known American politician and author.(Ron Paul是一名知名的美国家和作家。)

2. Ron Paul served as a Congressman from Texas for many years.(Ron Paul在德克萨斯州服务多年,担任过众议员。)

3. Ron Paul ran for president twice, in 2008 and 2012.(Ron Paul曾两次竞选总统,分别是在xx年和xx年。)

4. Ron Paul is known for his libertarian views and advocacy of limited government.(Ron Paul以他的自由主义观点和支持有限而闻名。)

5. Many people respect Ron Paul for his honesty and integrity.(许多人因为他的诚实和廉正而尊敬Ron Paul。)

6. Ron Paul has written several books on economics and politics.(Ron Paul写了几本有关经济和的书。)

7. Ron Paul's ideas have had a significant impact on the American political landscape.(Ron Paul的思想对美国局势产生了巨大的影响。)

'Ron Paul'是英语的人名。


用法:Ron Paul是一位美国退休医生、家,他曾多次参加美国总统竞选,并于xx年至xx年期间担任美国众议院议员。他以自由主义、无主义、民族主义理念著称,主张削减权力、反对战争、支持私人所有制等。


1. Ron Paul is a well-known American politician and a former Republican congressman from Texas.(罗恩保罗是著名的美国家,曾经是德克萨斯州的共和党众议员。)

2. Ron Paul's views on foreign policy and the economy often differ from those of other politicians.(罗恩保罗在外交政策和经济问题上的观点经常与其他家不同。)

3. Many people support Ron Paul's message of personal and limited government.(许多人支持罗恩保罗的个人自由和限制的主张。)

4. Ron Paul is known for his opposition to the Federal Reserve and his advocacy for a gold standard.(罗恩保罗因反对美联储和支持黄金标准而闻名。)

5. Although Ron Paul never won a presidential election, he has had a significant impact on American politics.(尽管罗恩保罗从未赢得总统选举,但他对美国产生了重大影响。)

6. Ron Paul is a favorite among libertarians and small-government advocates.(罗恩保罗是自由主义者和小倡导者的最爱。)

7. Many of Ron Paul's supporters appreciate his consistency in upholding his principles.(罗恩保罗的许多支持者欣赏他在维护原则方面的一贯态度。)

8. Ron Paul's marathon filibuster of the PATRIOT Act in 2011 earned him widespread praise.(xx年,罗恩保罗在《爱国者法案》上的长时间阻挡赢得了广泛的赞扬。)

9. Some people criticize Ron Paul for his isolationist foreign policy views.(一些人批评罗恩保罗的孤立主义外交政策观点。)

翻译:Ron Paul(罗恩保罗)

读音:rn pl

例句:Ron Paul is a retired American politician and physician who served as the U.S. Representative for Texas's 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1985, and for Texas's 14th congressional district from 1997 to 2013.(罗恩保罗是一位退休的美国家和医生,曾在xx年至xx年和xx年至xx年期间担任德克萨斯州22号国会选区的美国众议员,并在xx年至xx年期间担任德克萨斯州14号国会选区的美国众议员。)

ron paul通常被翻译为"荣保罗"的意思,其中文解释还有"荣保罗"的意思,在线发音:[ronpaul],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到67个与ron paul相关的句子。

Ron Paul的释义


例句:Ron Eglash on African fractals (非洲的分形结构---Ron Eglash)


ron paul一般作为名词使用,如在Ron Paul(n. 荣保罗)、ron(abbr. 研究法辛烷值(Research Octane Number))、Ron Jeremy(n. 罗恩杰里米)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ron Pauln. 荣保罗
ronabbr. 研究法辛烷值(Research Octane Number)
Ron Jeremyn. 罗恩杰里米
ron lewis[网络] 刘易斯;罗恩-刘易斯
L Ron Hubbard[网络] L罗恩哈伯德;L罗恩贺伯特;罗恩贺伯特
Jean Paul让保尔 (Jean Paul Freidrich richter 的笔名)
john paul约翰保罗
john paul is[网络] 若望保禄一世;教皇若望保禄一世;约翰保罗一世\n(john paul i 的复数)
Joseph Paul[网络] 保禄;约瑟夫保罗
loader paul[网络] 装填挂钩


1. Why did you get with me, Paul? (翻译:你干嘛要和我扯上关系 Paul? Why did you get with me, Paul?)

2. Nemec and John Paul must have the key. (翻译:Nemec和John Paul肯定有秘钥 Nemec and John Paul must have the key.)

3. I meant to give a peerage to Ron Jones, not Ron Jones! (翻译:我说给罗恩琼斯授勋 不是那个罗恩琼斯 I meant to give a peerage to Ron Jones, not Ron Jones!)

4. - Ron, you spoiled everything! (翻译:-Ron, you spoiled everything!)

5. Paul Lobe, Friedrich Ebert, Otto Wels. (翻译:Paul Lobe Friedrich Ebert Otto Wels Paul Lobe, Friedrich Ebert, Otto Wels.)

6. I can't believe they u-turned. That's messed up. That is messed up. (翻译:我倒想知道 Ron和Chris会不会讲日语)

7. - I think you mean Ron Jeremy. (翻译:我想你是说Ron Jeremy。I think you mean Ron Jeremy.)

8. This is my partner, Ron Goddard. Tony Soprano. (翻译:这是我的搭档 Ron Goddard Tony Soprano)

9. Excuse me, are you Ron Stubbins? (翻译:打扰了 你是ron stubbins吗?)

10. Ron told me what happened. (翻译:Ron告诉我发生了什么事 Ron told me what happened.)

11. Lyman designed a time bomb of his own: awebsite that would, over several weeks, collect pledges to donate to Ron Paul. (翻译:莱曼亲手设计了一枚定时:一个网站,会在几周内收集向罗恩保罗捐款的承诺。)

12. Paul wescourt has a sterling reputation And is, by all accounts, a good guy. (翻译:Paul Wescourt羘臕 琌)

13. Paul Bolton, county sheriff. (翻译:我叫Paul Bolton 是这里的县治安官 Paul Bolton, county sheriff.)

14. There's Seth and Olive. Better them than us. (翻译:我的确想知道 Ron和Chris会不会讲日语)

15. - John, Paul, Ringo and... (翻译:- John, Paul, Ringo 呃,)


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