
aero是什么意思 aero的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-24 20:39:35作者:寒琴

aero是什么意思 aero的中文翻译、读音、例句





相关短语:aerobic exercise(有氧运动)、aerobic bacteria(厌氧菌)、aerosol spray(气雾剂)等。




1. The aero industry has been growing rapidly in recent years. (近年来,航空业发展迅速。)

2. The aero club offers flying lessons for beginners. (航空俱乐部为初学者提供飞行课程。)

3. The aero engine was designed to be more fuel efficient. (这种航空发动机设计时考虑到更高的燃油效率。)




例句:The aero is commonly known as the great surrounded, basically include the inlet grille, car side spoilers, surrounded and tail etc. (这种空气动力套件就是俗称的大包围,基本上包含了进气格栅、车侧扰流板、后包围以及尾翼等。)


例句:I shall leave the details to be worked out by my staff... and you gentlemen of the Royal Aero Club. (我会让我的员工和你们皇家飞行俱乐部 一起做出具体的方案)


例句:A Simulation of the Anti-Surging Regulator Performance for the Aero-Engine Using AMESim (基于AMESim的航空发动机防喘调节器性能仿真研究)


例句:New Theming Engine, Over 30 Built-In Themes, And New Aero theme. (翻译:新主题引擎,30 +内置主题,新aero主题。)


aero一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Windows Aero([网络] 系统图标;已启用;用户界面)、aero car(飞行车,飞行汽车;飞天车;运输工具)、multispectral aero photograph(多光谱航摄像片)等常见短语中出现较多。

Windows Aero[网络] 系统图标;已启用;用户界面
aero car飞行车,飞行汽车;飞天车;运输工具
multispectral aero photograph多光谱航摄像片
theoretical aero dynamics理论空气动力学


1. A Simulation of the Anti-Surging Regulator Performance for the Aero-Engine Using AMESim (翻译:基于AMESim的航空发动机防喘调节器性能仿真研究)

2. New Theming Engine, Over 30 Built-In Themes, And New Aero theme. (翻译:新主题引擎,30 +内置主题,新aero主题。)

3. Global Response Group, Aeros's developer, is building its first prototype robot to test on an experimental oil spill next year. (翻译:Aero的开发商GlobalResponseGroup正生产出第一批机器人原型,将于明年投入石油泄漏的测试实验。)

4. This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding. (翻译:这辆售价600美元的车可不是玩具车来的,它将会在明年在中国推出市场。这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。)

5. The first 100 of Hublot's 500 Aero Bang Morgan timepieces have been reserved for AeroMax owners. (翻译:恒宝的500只超级摩根阿里奥计时表的首100只已被AeroMax车主预订。)

6. All of these organizations are generating large and growing volumes of complex CFD data and wish to predict aero-acoustics behavior. (翻译:所有这些组织都在不断的生成巨大的和不断增加的复杂的CFD数据,并预知空气声学的特性。)

7. That's why we call it, "The Aero-Solar Museum." (翻译:这就是我们之所以叫它“气流-太阳能 博物馆”的原因 )

8. GTE persists in seeking for an advanced position in aero-engine design, test and instrumentation technologies. (翻译:中国燃气涡轮研究院以追求航空发动机设计、试验、测试技术研究能力和水平在行业内领先为理念;)

9. And pluralizes as director of its subsidiary company. Chengdu Aero-Safety Corp. Is a subsidiary company of CAIC. (翻译:笔者就职于成都航空仪表公司经理部,并兼任所属子公司董事。)

10. The AeRO series Radial Feed product line and the P325 mini-Pelletizer makes its debut. (翻译:AeRO系列径向进给产品线和P325小型造粒机初次亮相。)

11. Did you see that film Gunfire Aero-Kay Karao? (翻译:看过xx年那部伯特兰凯斯特的经典枪战片吗?)

12. OBJECTIVE:To study hearing injury and damage of workers under noisy condition in Xi'an Aero-Engine (XAE) so as to provide scientific foundation for controlling operation noise. (翻译:目的:了解西航公司噪声作业工人听力损伤及损失情况,为噪声作业治理提供科学依据。)

13. The first 100 of Hublot's 500 Aero Bang Morgan timepieces have been reserved for AeroMax owners. (翻译:恒宝的500只超级摩根阿里奥计时表的首100只已被AeroMax车主预订。)

14. Objective To evaluate the correlation between diseases around pharyngeal opening of eustachian tube and aero-otitis media(AOM). (翻译:目的总结飞行员咽鼓管咽口周围疾病与航空性中耳炎的关系。)

15. Today the company released a new teaser image of the vehicle, this time with a not-before-seen Aero package. (翻译:今天,微软发布了新的性的形象,车辆,这个时候有没有过的空气动力学套件。)


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