
搜索广告用英语怎么说 搜索广告英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-24 19:02:34作者:终不遇


1. Micsoft adCenter would pvide search advertising s on Nokia’s line of devices and s.

搜索广告用英语怎么说 搜索广告英语翻译


2. So, "related searches," ght there. You can't see it that well, but we decided we should put in this feate into o AdSense ads, called "related searches."

译文:那么, 这就是“相关搜索”,就是这儿。你们可能看得不太清楚, 但是我们决定要把这个能 放进我们AdSense广告中去,叫做“相关搜索.”。

3. Getting my quest on, singing the quest song.

4. Nothing so far. - Continuing recon.

5. Scanning. Scanning. Scanning.

6. He Googled himself, found Alec's ad, and hired him after calling him in for an interview.


7. And so we use o over 150,000 advertisers and millions of advertisements, so we pick the one that's most relevant to what you're actually looking at, much as we do on search.

译文:那么我们利用我们超过15万广告客户 和几百万广告, 我们选出一条 与你正在看内容最相关广告, 我们尽可能多做搜索。

8. So, "related searches," ght there. You can't see it that well, but we decided we should put in this feate into o AdSense ads, called "related searches."

译文:那么, 这就是“相关搜索”,就是这儿。你们可能看得不太清楚, 但是我们决定要把这个能 放进我们AdSense广告中去,叫做“相关搜索.”。

9. Reports fm than half a dozen companies that mease search and search advertising all point to upticks in Micsoft’s business since the release of Bing.


10. Becse of that ad. -What ad?

11. (Lghter) The ads really were kind of ads.

12. advertisement rate advertising agency advertising expenses advertising madia advertising strate

13. They don't manipulate search results, but let's just say a big spread in Vanity Fair...

译文:他们没有篡改搜索结果 但是 如果在《名利场》上大做广告...。

14. At the time, Google had fo people working on AdWords, a pgram for selling the all text ads that appear next to related search results.



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