
语伴用英语怎么说 语伴的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-24 14:08:34作者:故我

语伴英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 Language Partner,其次还可以说成"language partner",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到14个与语伴相关翻译和例句。

语伴用英语怎么说 语伴的英语翻译

language partner wanted ( 征语伴 )

Language Partner Pgram ( 语伴项目 )

1. Oh, Juliet, you haven't got a partner.

2. "My life once stretched before me... like a plain under the white clouds"

3. i could se use some company.

4. Well, i'm not seeing anyone ght now.

5. "shining high o'er o garden...

6. You're going to be in very exclusive company Agent Kelly.

7. Make this r-loving world go und

8. He's ght there in the inner circle.

9. The Spng time loves the playing of a flute, and the playing of the trumpet

10. stay by me 24 hos per day, 7 days per week.

11. And ultimately insanity and/or stke.

12. ♪ Becse you're mared to me

13. Are you lookin' for a date?

14. The Spng time loves the playing of a flute, ...of the...

15. Looking for company, sailor?


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2023-04-08 11:14
