
blender是什么意思 blender的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-24 10:02:35作者:-乱试佳人

1. 词源和发音:'blender'这个单词源于英语动词"blend",意为混合、搅拌,其发音为/blndr/。

2. 词性和词义:'blender'是一个名词,其主要意义是指一种用来混合或搅拌食物或饮料的电动小家电。此外,'blender'还可指能够混合多种元素或特定各类资源的类似软件或工具。

3. 应用范围:'blender'作为一种电器产品,在家庭和商业场所都有广泛的应用,如家庭厨房、酒吧和餐厅。而作为一种软件,'blender'则主要用于三维图形、动画和视觉效果方面的制作。

4. 近义词和反义词:'blender'的近义词包括mixer、food processor和smoothie maker等;反义词则可根据语境不同而变化,如在制作食品时,反义词可为chopper(切菜机)或grinder(研磨机),而在软件领域,反义词则可为3D modeling tool(三维建模工具)或animation software(动画制作软件)。

5. 实用场景:'blender'这个单词常见于以下场景:

例句1:I use my blender every morning to make smoothies for breakfast.(我每天早上都用搅拌器来制作早餐的冰沙。)

例句2:This video game was designed using the Blender software.(这款视频游戏是用Blender软件进行设计的。)

例句3:She poured the cake batter into the blender and added some chocolate chips.(她将蛋糕糊倒进搅拌器里,加入了一些巧克力豆。)

例句4:The chef used a blender to mix the spices and create a delicious sauce.(厨师用搅拌器混合香料,做出了美味的酱汁。)

例句5:The 3D animation was created using Blender and took six months to complete.(这个三维动画是用Blender制作的,花费了六个月的时间。)




1. She used a blender to make a smoothie.


2. The chef used the blender to mix the ingredients for the soup.


3. This blender has multiple speeds and can blend even the toughest ingredients.





例句:In general, noise reduction at the source makes the most sense, so whenever you're looking to buy a new car, air-conditioning unit, blender, you name it, make low noise a priority. (总的来说,从源头减少噪音是最合理的, 所以当你在考虑买新车, 买空调,买搅拌机, 或者其它什么的时候。)


例句:They spent way too much of my money looking for it, and most of it sounds like bricks in a blender. (他们为此花了我太多的钱 做出来的东西听着像搅拌器里放块砖头)


例句:hesitated for a while, she decided to return my blender that i lend her six months ago. (犹豫了一会儿后,她决定来归还我六个月以前借给她的搅拌器。)


例句:I would've gotten you something like a blender or a set of knives, but that'll do. (翻译:我已经得到了你喜欢的东西 搅拌器或刀具组,但会做。)


blender一般作为名词使用,如在fertilizer blender(肥料拌和机)、flour blender(面粉掺和机)、fracturing blender([压裂]混砂机)等常见短语中出现较多。

fertilizer blender肥料拌和机
flour blender面粉掺和机
fracturing blender[压裂]混砂机
fuel blender混油机
hand blender手持搅拌器
immersion blender[网络] 搅拌器;浸入式搅拌器;搅拌机
mixer blender混合机
multiribbon blender复带掺和机
paddle blender[医]浆式捣碎器[利用往复运动的桨叶捣碎密封塑料袋中的材料]


1. hesitated for a while, she decided to return my blender that i lend her six months ago. (翻译:犹豫了一会儿后,她决定来归还我六个月以前借给她的搅拌器。)

2. I would've gotten you something like a blender or a set of knives, but that'll do. (翻译:我已经得到了你喜欢的东西 搅拌器或刀具组,但会做。)

3. No mix, no salt, no blender. (翻译:不要混其它的酒,不加苏打水,不要掺任何东西.)

4. She was crazy. You get involved with somebody like that, it's like putting your hand in a blender. (翻译:她是疯的 你把自己卷入 像她那样的人之中)

5. The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender. (翻译:产品通常被专业的果汁及思慕雪吧用高速的搅拌机来搅拌出品。)

6. They're also finding a way to let customers and clientele find out that they can repair a blender or fix an iron or, as we learned yesterday, to make a french fry machine. (翻译:他们也在寻找方法让顾客和客户 发现他们可以修理搅拌机 或修理熨斗, 或者,就像我们昨天了解的, 做一个炸薯条机器。)

7. He had to put everything in a blender. (翻译:他把所有食物都放到搅拌机里。He had to put everything in a blender.)

8. Sheldon, she's gone. You can turn off the blender. (翻译:Sheldon 她走了 你可以关掉搅拌机啦)

9. They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. But get seeds -- there are no lignans in the oil. (翻译:他们在搅拌机或咖啡豆的磨具很容易被磨碎,但种子如果榨成油木酚素就被了。)

10. They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. (翻译:它们在搅拌机或咖啡研磨机里很容易被磨碎。)

11. In 1952, the "Waring blender experiments" of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase confirmed DNA as the genetic material. (翻译:xx年,阿尔弗雷德赫尔希和玛莎蔡斯的“沃林混合实验”证实了 DNA 是遗传物质。)

12. Puree beans with an immersion blender or potato masher, or remove half of them and puree in a processor or blender. (翻译:将豆子放进浸泡搅拌器或马铃薯搅拌器研成糊状,或者将它们取走一半,并放入料理机或搅拌器中研成糊状。)

13. They won't see it coming. Tefal blender with silence plus technology (翻译:他们还未看到它。特福搅拌机悄悄地怀揣技术而来。)

14. When the beverage is ready to be blended the lid is fitted onto the cup which is then inverted and placed into the Revolver blender. (翻译:当饮料准备盖被混合配备上的反转,然后把杯子放在搅拌机。)

15. Papaya and milk in a blender, apply to the face, two minutes later washed off. Persist for a week, there will be good results! (翻译:木瓜和牛奶,用搅拌机打碎,敷在脸上,二十分钟左右洗掉。坚持一个星期,会有不错的效果!)


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