
sobs是什么意思 sobs的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-23 07:14:36作者:撩妹杀手

1. 词性和词义方面

sobs是什么意思 sobs的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 语境应用方面


3. 同义词和反义词方面



1. She couldn't stop the sobs that wracked her body.


2. She tried to swallow the sobs that threatened to break free.


3. The sobs started to subside and she wiped her eyes.


4. The sound of her sobs ecd in the empty house.


5. He hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her as the sobs racked her body.





1. She couldn't hold back the sobs as she listened to the sad news. (当她听到悲伤的消息时,她无法控制住呜咽声。)

2. The child's sobs were heard throughout the whole house. (孩子的哭泣声传遍了整个房子。)

3. He tried to hide his sobs behind a cough, but it was clear he was upset. (他试图用咳嗽掩饰他的呜咽声,但很明显他很难过。)




例句:Seeing Natasha, he waved his arms in despair, and went off into violent, miserable sobs, that convulsed his soft, round face. (他看见娜塔莎,绝望地两手一掸,他那柔和的圆脸庞上的肌肉剧烈抽搐着、扭曲着,发出痛苦的哽咽声。)


例句:There would be weeping and ranting, sobs and cries, plans for escape. (你们应该哭泣 呼喊 哭诉 啜泣 想办法逃跑命)


例句:and then , falling upon the chair nearest the door , she burst into a paroxysm of sobs. (她就倒在那张离门最近的椅子上,突然啜泣起来。)


例句:And as we watched the knife enter his bowels, he screamed and sat up. (翻译:切成四块 quarter him. 他大叫并坐了起来 he screamed and sat up. 爱德华・阿罗史密斯叫出了我父母的名字 Edward Arrowsmith called out the names of my mother and father. HE SOBS 我担心我会背叛安杰丽卡 I am very afraid that I will betray Angelica.)


1. and then , falling upon the chair nearest the door , she burst into a paroxysm of sobs. (翻译:她就倒在那张离门最近的椅子上,突然啜泣起来。)

2. And as we watched the knife enter his bowels, he screamed and sat up. (翻译:切成四块 quarter him. 他大叫并坐了起来 he screamed and sat up. 爱德华・阿罗史密斯叫出了我父母的名字 Edward Arrowsmith called out the names of my mother and father. HE SOBS 我担心我会背叛安杰丽卡 I am very afraid that I will betray Angelica.)

3. What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. " (翻译:在我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”)

4. "I love her Max, I have loved her all this time, but I have been such a coward, " said Rick between sobs. (翻译:“我爱她,麦克斯,我一直爱她,但是我却是这样一个懦夫。”瑞克啜泣着。)

5. She burst into tears and loud sobs that disturbed the other worshippers. (翻译:她突然哭起来,大声抽噎,干扰了其他拜神者。)

6. recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow , and sobs again took full charge of him , preventing further speech. (翻译:回忆掀起了他新的悲伤狂涛,一阵猛烈的啜泣,噎得他说不下去了。)

7. But now his occasional sob turned to a steady , silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs. (翻译:但是现在他不时的呜咽声变成了平稳的哭泣,他的眼睛紧逼,他把拳头放在嘴里试图去停止自己的呜咽。)

8. Then down upon her knees she falls, weeps... sobs, beats her heart, tears her hair, curses: (翻译:... 她跪在地上,痛哭流涕... ...)

9. Convulsive sobs racked her body. (翻译:她的抽泣晃动着整个身子。)

10. [sobs] Wait, what does this have to do with you and Tatiana? (翻译:[呜咽]等待,这是什么 有你和Tatiana做?)

11. "Champ, wake up! " sobs an inconsolable T. J. , played by Schroder. The performance would win him a Golden Globe Award. (翻译:而由Schroder扮演的儿子T.J.伤心欲绝地啜泣“拳王,醒过来”的表演为他赢得了一座金球奖杯。)

12. His instrument is no more violin, it is a living entity, the fear and sadness sobs and shudders (翻译:他的乐器 不再是小提琴, 它是一个活的生命, 恐惧和痛苦, 哭泣和颤抖。)

13. His sobs soon turned to sniffs. (翻译:不多时,他的呜咽变成了啜泣。)

14. At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs. (翻译:最后呜咽声终于停止了,取而代之的是抽鼻子的声音。)

15. Recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow, and sobs again took full charge of him, preventing further speech. (翻译:回忆给他带来了一阵新的悲哀,他又禁不住啜泣起来,说不出话来。)




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