
point it是什么意思 point it的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-23 06:44:36作者:依绿


1. 单词含义:指的是"指向它",指示物体的位置或方向。

point it是什么意思 point it的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 缩写含义:P.O.I.N.T.表示"促进成功的重要信息/吸引力/新颖/实用/可靠的技巧"。

3. 用法:当作动词使用,例如"Can you point it out on the map?"表示"你能在地图上指出它的位置吗?";当作名词使用,例如"Let me make a point"表示"让我来发表一下意见"。

4. 搭配:常与介词to或at连用,例如"point to"表示"指向","point at"表示"指向、瞄准"。

5. 同音但不同意的用法:"pointed"表示"尖锐的","pointer"表示"指针"。


1. Can you point it out on the map? (你能在地图上指出它的位置吗?)

2. Let me make a point.(让我来发表一下意见。)

3. She was pointing to the coffee shop. (她指向咖啡厅。)

4. The teacher pointed at the blackboard.(老师指向黑板。)

5. The cat's ears are very pointed.(猫咪的耳朵非常尖。)


1. He pointed to the door and said, "That's the way out."

2. Let me point out that we need to be careful with our spending.

3. She pointed at the bird in the tree and asked me what kind it was.

4. The hunter pointed his rifle at the deer and took a shot.

5. The architect used laser pointers to show us the design details of the building.

point it的中文翻译为“指着它”。读音为[pnt t]。


1. She pointed it out to me on the map.(她在地图上指给我看了。)

2. I saw something strange in the distance and pointed it out to my friend.(我看到远处有什么奇怪的东西,就指给我的朋友看。)

3. The teacher told us to find a mistake in the sentence and point it out.(老师让我们找出这句话里的错误并指出来。)


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coffee bene发音

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