
quilts是什么意思 quilts的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-17 20:56:41作者:十言九忘

quilts是什么意思 quilts的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:1. patchwork quilts:拼布被;2. handmade quilts:手工制作的被子;3. cotton quilts:棉被。

相关短语:1. quilted fabric:被子面料;2. quilted pattern:被子花纹;3. quilted lining:被子里衬。





1. She spent months a beautiful quilt to give as a gift to her sister.(她花了数月时间制作了一条美丽的被子,送给了她的姐姐。)

2. In winter, I always snuggle up under a warm quilt to read a book.(冬天的时候,我总是蜷缩在一条温暖的被子里看书。)




例句:If I let you alone, you'd be giving them chicken three times a day and tucking them to sleep with eiderdown quilts. (如果我让你来管理,你会每天给他们吃三次鸡,还给他们睡鸭绒被吗。)


例句:The bed is dressed in traditional Hawaiian quilts beneath a painting by Daryl Millard. (达里尔米勒德画作下,放置着由传统夏威夷拼花被装扮的床。)


例句:He had quilts and ticks, and also had a old sheep skin fur-lined jacket, by the equalitarian rule, it was his turn to sleep at the door. (他被子褥子齐全,还有一件老羊皮袄,按平均主义的原则,他也应该睡在门口。)


例句:Blankets, quilts, sweaters... he knits them all. (翻译:毯子,棉被,毛衣等等,他都织。)


quilts一般作为名词、动词使用,如在patchwork quilts(拼布床单;用小块布缝缀的被罩)、tapestry quilts(挂毯式床单布)等常见短语中出现较多。

patchwork quilts拼布床单;用小块布缝缀的被罩
tapestry quilts挂毯式床单布


1. He had quilts and ticks, and also had a old sheep skin fur-lined jacket, by the equalitarian rule, it was his turn to sleep at the door. (翻译:他被子褥子齐全,还有一件老羊皮袄,按平均主义的原则,他也应该睡在门口。)

2. Blankets, quilts, sweaters... he knits them all. (翻译:毯子,棉被,毛衣等等,他都织。)

3. At the far end stood a huge, square bed, with quilts red like the rest, and on it a girl was lying, dressed in a frock of red velvet. (翻译:卧室的那头,有张四四方方的大床,被子跟别的东西一样红,上面躺了一个姑娘,身穿红丝绒外衣。)

4. One of the things that I did is I made a number of quilts, and I made this quilt here. (翻译:当时我做的一件事情就是 我做了很多的被子 我也在这里做了很多被子 )

5. We'll need to camouflage the front seat and back seat and floorboards... with quilts and blankets, so if a cop starts sticking' his big snout in the car, the subterfuge won't last, but at a glance the car will appear to be normal. (翻译:我能感觉到你的眼神 是辆xx年产的雪维诺瓦 绿色)

6. That we have quilts and clay and calligraphy and everywhere your eye turns, there's something beautiful looking back at you, that's deliberate. (翻译:实际上我们有织锦、瓷器还有书法 在你目光所到之处, 都有些美丽的东西和你相对。用心良苦, )

7. After tropical storms in 2006, World Vision distributed rice and quilts to peasants in LEYE COUNTY. (翻译:xx年经过热带风暴后,“世界宣明会”捐赠米和棉被给乐业县的农民。)

8. That we have quilts and clay and calligraphy and everywhere your eye turns, there's something beautiful looking back at you, that's deliberate. (翻译:实际上我们有织锦、瓷器还有书法 在你目光所到之处, 都有些美丽的东西和你相对。用心良苦,)

9. He had tried to accommodate himself to me. Yet with two silk-padded quilts he still felt icy cold, suffering sleeplessness till daybreak. (翻译:他曾经尝试迁就我,但盖上两张丝绵被仍是手冷足寒,一晚困着熬到天明。)

10. Maggie can only be regarded as an inheritor of the family history heritage of black quilts, owing to her unenlightened nature. (翻译:麦姬因其守旧,只能成为被子的家庭历史遗产的继承者。)

11. Ma and I crocheted new quilts. (翻译:我和妈妈用钩针织了新床罩。)

12. Sea Sky Exports is manufacturer and supplier of carpets, rugs, durries, cushions, quilts, bed covers, towels, bathmats and lots more in India. (翻译:海天出口在印度是地毯,小毯,棉毛毯,窗帘,被子,床罩,毛巾,浴垫等等生产商和供给商。)

13. The bed is dressed in traditional Hawaiian quilts beneath a painting by Daryl Millard. (翻译:达里尔米勒德画作下,放置着由传统夏威夷拼花被装扮的床。)

14. Proud height also give this couple brought many problems, must not only high doorcase, also can buy suitable clothes, quilts and bed. (翻译:傲人的身高也给这对夫妇带来不少的麻烦,不仅要调高门框,也买不到合适的衣服、被子和床。)

15. After nightfall, the initiates continued to visit other places where victims had gathered, giving them quilts and warm clothing. (翻译:入夜后,同修一行人继续前往其他灾民聚集地,发放棉被及保暖衣物给灾民。)




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