
yanny是什么意思 yanny的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-17 17:09:51作者:怪人友

yanny是什么意思 yanny的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音:'yanny'的发音为['jni],类似于英语单词'jenny'的发音。该单词的发音可能会因为语音习惯和口音的不同而产生变化。


- Some people hear 'yanny' while others hear 'laurel'.

- I can't believe we're arguing about the unciation of 'yanny'.

- Can you say 'yanny' slowly for me? I'm having a hard time hearing it.

2. 意义:'yanny'可能是一个人名、地名、品牌名或者缩写词。根据上下文不同,它的意义也会有所变化。


- Yanny Garcia is my colleague at work.

- Yanny Lake is a beautiful tourist destination in Australia.

- Yanny's Kitchen is a popular restaurant in town.

- YANNY is an acronym for 'You are not a number, you are a name and a face'.

3. 文化:'yanny'可能来源于不同的文化背景,如音乐、电影或者社交媒体等。了解其文化背景有助于更好地理解和使用该词汇。


- The name Yanny is of Hebrew origin and means 'God is gracious'.

- The character Yanny appears in the movie 'The Mummy'.

- The 'Yanny vs. Laurel' debate went viral on social media in 2018.


'yanny'的中文翻译为“扬尼”,读音为 yni。


1. Have you heard about the 'yanny' and 'laurel' audio clip that has been going viral?

你有听过那个迅速走红的“扬尼”和“劳瑞尔”音频剪辑吗2. Some people swear they only hear 'yanny', while others are convinced it's 'laurel'.





例句:Yu dn't depend n men. Yu d as yu pleased... (有自己的前途,不必靠男人爱干什么就干什么)


例句:The uppercase Y always overpowers his lowercase friend, so the only time you get green babies is if you have lowercase Y's. (大写的“Y”总是能够主宰小写的“y”, 所以你得到绿色种子唯一的机会 是当你有两个“y”的等位基因。)


例句:Yann's entire family off to hunt the wolf, spurred on by my sister. (仰恩的家人受到姊姊的煽动 在姊姊的带领下)


例句:I need to thank Yann Martel for writing this incredible, inspiring book. (翻译:我很感谢雅玛特尔写出了这部极具启发性的著作。)


yanny一般作为名词使用,如在Yanny(燕妮 人名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Yanny燕妮 人名


1. Yann's entire family off to hunt the wolf, spurred on by my sister. (翻译:仰恩的家人受到姊姊的煽动 在姊姊的带领下)

2. I need to thank Yann Martel for writing this incredible, inspiring book. (翻译:我很感谢雅玛特尔写出了这部极具启发性的著作。)

3. We have used Y-specific cosmid clones in a random fingerprinting approach to build contigs on the human Y chromosome. (翻译:我们使用Y染色体特异性粘粒克隆随机指纹的做法,建立重叠的人类Y染色体。)

4. ♪ Than to lay down his life for love (翻译:Than to la y down his life for love)

5. Yu knw Linel, yu're yu're the first rdinary Englishman... (翻译:其实,莱诺... - 你是第一个英国平民...)

6. ♪ You to know from the start ♪ (翻译:y ou to know from the start)

7. Vince, via text, what is IW2.. SUTWTC means? (翻译:这意味着我W Y N Y T T S S 短信语言?)

8. Let y have the value 33. (翻译:假设y的值为33。)

9. y 1 two minus one is one, that's my new value of iters left, go back up. (翻译:加x等于6,也就是y的新值,y,plus,x,is,six,,that’s,my,new,value,of,y,2减1等于,也就是iters,left的新值,然后再回去做测试。)

10. Yann Arthus-Bertrand captures fragile Earth in wide-angle (翻译:扬恩亚瑟伯特兰Yann Arthus-Bertrand:不堪重负的地球)

11. Rodeen elzcalo, ysuban hacia la azotea y esperenme. (翻译:Rodeen el zcalo, y suban hacia la azotea y esprenme,)

12. Do you have any new suspects yet? (翻译:你甲肝任何 新suspe CTS Y等?)

13. - Have you invited Claude's orchestra? (翻译:- Je me rure. - Y a pas ez?)

14. A child is born in the town of David (翻译:{Y: 我}一个孩子出生 {Y: 我}在大卫城)

15. Let imagination light your way (翻译:y dd Let imagination light your wa)


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