
废旧手机用英语怎么说 废旧手机英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-10 13:50:49作者:且共从容

废旧手机通常被翻译为"hand phone"意思,在常中也可以翻译为"waste and scrap",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到个与废旧手机相关翻译和例句。

1. Old scarp — Waste recovered fm pducts used by consumers.

废旧手机用英语怎么说 废旧手机英语翻译

2. Phone! Phone! Please, Olya, the phone!

3. There's an old abandoned farm on 4th Dylan Road.

4. i need a phone! i need a phone!

5. - Give me yo cell phone. - i don't have one.

6. You worry about yo scrap metal, i'll worry about Harry Barber.

7. Worn out plumbous acid battery repair machine

8. Old scarp----Waste recovered fm pducts used by consumers.

9. Cell phones, does anyone have a sial?

10. These waste pducts, depending on what they are ... adapt to their envinment.

11. The house was built using salvaged mateals.

12. it was an old farm that he renovated. There are lots of them in the region. Most of them are ruins.

13. Phone-- what about her phone?


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