
unknow是什么意思 unknow的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-10 11:24:49作者:南音雨阁

1. 词性:unknown是形容词,表示不知道或未知的;UNK是缩写词,表示未知的、未分配的。

2. 用途:unknown多用于描述某个事物或情况的不确定性或未知性,而UNK则通常是用于编程、数据分析等领域中对那些不确定的值的代替。

unknow是什么意思 unknow的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 同义词:unknown的同义词包括unidentified、mysterious、obscure、anonymous等;UNK的同义词包括undefined、null、N/A等。

4. 反义词:unknown的反义词为known,表示已知的、熟悉的;而UNK作为缩写词,没有严格的反义词。

5. 例句:


- The origin of the universe is still unknown to scientists.

- The identity of the perpetrator remains unknown at this time.

- Although she has lived here for years, much of the city remains unknown to her.

- I'm afraid I can't help you with that question, as the answer is unknown.

- The cause of the disease is still unknown, but researchers are working to find a cure.


- The value of this field is currently UNK in the data set.

- The reason why the program crashed is still UNK, but we will continue investigating.

- The number of partints for the study is currently UNK, as we are still recruiting.

- This data point is currently UNK because the sensor malfunctioned.

- The status of the project is currently UNK because we are waiting for further information.

unknown 的中文翻译是“未知的”,读音为“nnon”,以下是例句:

1. The cause of his disappearance is still unknown.(他失踪的原因仍然未知。)

2. She was afraid of the unknown dangers lurking in the dark.(她害怕在黑暗中潜伏着的未知危险。)

3. The true identity of the mysterious artist remains unknown.(神秘艺术家的真实身份仍然未知。)




例句:Business decisions are often made with many unknow and unknowable factors, which would even puzzle the best poker players. (商业决策通常是由许多未知和不可知的因素做出来的,这些因素甚至会让最优秀的玩家感到困惑。)


例句:Your products maybe have good prospects for sale here, but at present they are unknow by our many customers. (你方的产品在这里也许前途大有希望,我们的许多客户对其知道的很少,)


例句:you left and whether will come back in a uncertain day is unknow. (你走了,也不知道会不会在未来的某一天回来)


例句:Underline unknow words, try to guess the meaning but don't look them up in the dictionary yet. (翻译:给生词做记号,不查字典,尽力去猜它们的意思)


1. you left and whether will come back in a uncertain day is unknow. (翻译:你走了,也不知道会不会在未来的某一天回来)

2. Underline unknow words, try to guess the meaning but don't look them up in the dictionary yet. (翻译:给生词做记号,不查字典,尽力去猜它们的意思)

3. All information is unknow. you need't know, you couldn't ask, cuz it's the rule of one night stand. (翻译:什么都是未知的,不必知道,不用问,因为这就是的规则。)


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