
fakenews是什么意思 fakenews的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-10 09:34:49作者:唱给谁

fakenews是什么意思 fakenews的中文翻译、读音、例句

FakeNews是一个由“Fake”和“News”组成的词组,意思是“假新闻”,用来描述那些虚假、误导性或者不准确的新闻报道。FakeNews通常是由无良媒体、团体或者个人制造的,旨在误导公众、分化社会、操纵等。FakeNews是一个可数名词,常常用于形容词性结构中,如FakeNews story(假新闻报道)、FakeNews article(虚假新闻文章)等。

常见的FakeNews短语和词组搭配包括:spread FakeNews(散播假新闻)、debunk FakeNews(揭露虚假新闻)、combat FakeNews(打击假新闻)、create FakeNews(制造假新闻)等。


1. 经过事实核查,网上流传的这条新闻根本就是一篇Fake News。

Upon fact-checking, the news circulating on the internet is nothing but a piece of Fake News.

2. 他们刻意夸大了事件的影响,就是为了制造假新闻。

They deliberately exaggerated the impact of the event, in order to create Fake News.

3. 在现今的社交媒体时代,假新闻很容易在网络上迅速传播。

In today's era of social media, Fake News can quickly spread on the internet.


As a journalist, we need to be constantly alert to the existence of Fake News.

5. 看到这条新闻我感到非常震惊,直到事实被揭穿后才发现它是一条假新闻。

I was shocked by this piece of news until the fact was exposed to be Fake News.

6. 我们应该加强法律制裁力度,打击那些制造和散播假新闻的人。

We should strengthen legal sanctions to combat those who create and spread Fake News.

7. 作为一名负责任的媒体从业者,我们必须做到真实客观,杜绝制造和宣传假新闻。

As responsible media practitioners, we must be truthful and objective, and eliminate the creation and promotion of Fake News.

fakenews的中文翻译为“虚假新闻”,读音为/fk njuz/。


1. 不要相信那些虚假新闻,要保持谨慎。

Don't believe in those fake news, be cautious.

2. 这篇报道是完全虚假的,只是一篇散播谣言的虚假新闻。

This report is completely false and just a piece of fake news spreading rumors.




例句:And clearly, he was a fake, too. (显然他也是假的 And clearly, he was a fake, too.)


例句:I mean, I'm totally happy for Ally, but it's really hard for me just hanging out behind the scenes. (好消息和坏消息,好消息和坏消息,还有好消息 GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS, GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS, AND GOOD NEWS. 好消息,我找到我们要的双驼峰骆驼 GOOD NEWS, I FOUND THE TWO)


例句:As quick with the news as ever! (As quick with the news as ever!)


1. As quick with the news as ever! (翻译:As quick with the news as ever!)

2. But with the rise of fake news, the rise of fake video, the rise of fake audio, we are teetering on the brink of the end of reality, where we cannot tell what is real from what is fake. (翻译:但随着虚假新闻、 虚假视频、 虚假音频的崛起, 我们正在现实终结 的边缘摇摇欲坠, 在这里我们无法分辨 何为真实,何为虚假。)

3. And what was the good news? (翻译:I see. And what was the good news?)

4. And it's on us to find a way to rebuild trust, because fake news destroys it. (翻译:而我们有责任来想办法重新建立信任。假新闻摧毁了这些信任, )

5. corruption,culture,journalism,news,politics (翻译:corruption,culture,journalism,news,politics)

6. You, with your fake names and your fronts. (翻译:You, with your fake names and your fronts.)

7. Fake certificates of deposits. (翻译:Fake certificates of deposits.)

8. - You guys have something? (翻译:租约上的名字是假的 The name on the lease is fake.)

9. climate change,news,science (翻译:climate change,news,science)

10. - Ha-ha-ha. - A fake wedding. (翻译:假结婚 {\3cH202020}A fake wedding.)

11. I got good news... and bad news. (翻译:我有好消息... I got good news... 也有坏消息 and bad news.)

://www.ted.com/talks/alisa_miller_shares_the_news_about_the_news.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/alisa_miller_shares_the_news_about_the_news.html)

13. We studied fake news and began studying it before it was a popular term. (翻译:我们在虚假新闻变成热点之前 就开始了对虚假新闻的研究。)

14. The patina was unbearable. (翻译:- fake. 上面的铜绿简直不能忍 The patina was unbearable.)

15. All right, get back to the news. (翻译:get back to the news.)


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