
just like是什么意思 just like的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-10 07:16:49作者:妖孽

我将为您提供'just like'这个短语的解释和示例。

just like是什么意思 just like的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'just like'意为“就像;与……一样”。用于比较两个事物的相似程度,强调二者几乎是相同的。

2. 用法:常常用来引出比较句,并放在句子的中间。

3. 同义词:'similar to', 'as if', 'in the same way as'.

4. 语法:'just like'跟在主语和谓语之间,作为插入语。


1. Just like her mother, she has a talent for singing.


2. He looks just like his father when he was young.


3. Just like a bird, she flew high up in the sky.


4. The dress is just like the one in the picture.


5. He acts just like he knows everything.


just like的意思是“就像”,表示两个事物或情况非常相似。


读音:/dst lak/


1. She looks just like her mother.


2. I feel just like a kid again.


3. This cake tastes just like the one my grandmother used to make.


4. It's just like you to be late.


just like的意思是"正如、绚烂的晚霞",还经常被翻译为网络,发音音标为[justlike],just like是一个英语介词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与just like相关的句子。

Just like的中文翻译


例句:- Just thinking like a Tinker. (- Nice work. - Just thinking like a Tinker.)


例句:I found it just like that. (I found it just like that.)


例句:And it's so hard, just like a... (是啊 Yeah. 就像个... just like a...)


例句:She needs your help, just like Sara Patrell needed your help. (翻译:just like Sara Patrell needed your help.)


just like一般作为介词、带刺使用,如在just like that(突然, 冷不防地)、just like that!([网络] 就这样;就像那样;就像这样)、just like heaven([电影]宛如天堂)等常见短语中出现较多。

just like that突然, 冷不防地
just like that![网络] 就这样;就像那样;就像这样
just like heaven[电影]宛如天堂
just like me[网络] 就像我一样;恰如我等;和我一样
just like you[网络] 就像你一样;和你一样;偏偏喜欢你
sounds just like[网络] 看样子就象;看样子就像;这两首歌听起来很像
like for like以牙还牙
like like[网络] 喜欢喜欢;像一样;就像是喜欢


1. And it's so hard, just like a... (翻译:是啊 Yeah. 就像个... just like a...)

2. She needs your help, just like Sara Patrell needed your help. (翻译:just like Sara Patrell needed your help.)

3. Oh, i just wanted to have, like, (翻译:Oh, i just wanted to have, like,)

4. When I was nine years old, I got a bike just like this one. (翻译:I got a bike just like this one.)

5. Is just like a pretty tune (翻译:Is just like a pretty tune)

6. ♪ Just like a bullet leaves a gun ♪ (翻译:Just like a bullet leaves a gun)

7. How could he just disappear like that? (翻译:How could he just disappear like that.)

8. I know. Just like your sister. (翻译:Just like your sister.)

9. ♪ And in his pocket just like mine (翻译:And in his pocket just like mine)

10. ♪and it feels like I am just too close to love you ♪ (翻译:♪Feels like I am just too close to love you♪)

11. There! There! God, looks just like my girlfriend! (翻译:looks just like my girlfriend!)

12. You stir it up into a heady froth Tasty just like silk (翻译:You stir it up into a heady froth Tasty just like silk)

13. Loaded with poison, just like you like it. (翻译:按照你的喜好 多加了点料 Loaded with poison, just like you like it.)

14. They sound just like little girls. (翻译:They sound just like little girls.)

15. ♪ Light it up just like a blunt! (翻译:# Light it up just like a blunt! #)


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