

更新时间:2024-08-12 16:06:57作者:自考大萨斯





















在海内外大学或研究机构获得博士学位或从事过博士后研究。申请者应已入选国家级青年人才计划项目或达到同等水平。工作目标是经过六年左右的培育,上岗者应入选国家高水平人才计划或达到同等水平。申请者年龄原则上不超过 40周岁。


在海内外大学或研究机构获得博士学位或从事过博士后研究。已取得同行公认的高水平研究成果,有突出的发展潜质。工作目标是经过六年左右时间的培育,上岗者应入选国家级青年人才计划项目或达到同等水平,或晋升为我校正高级专业技术职务。申请者年龄原则上不超过 35 周岁。


学术水平高,具备海内外大学或研究机构的博士学位,有较好的学术积累和发展潜力,在本研究领域已取得同行公认的高水平研究成果,能胜任实验室相关领域科研任务。应聘正高年龄原则上不超过 45周岁,应聘副高年龄一般不超过 35 周岁。



















实验室现有教职工120余名,包括为科学研究配备专职化的工程技术和运行管理团队,在读研究生400余名,其中双聘院士2名、杰青等国家级优秀人才20余名、省部级优秀人才50余名,团队获国家自然科学基金委创新群体。精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室为国家创新引智111基地,光学学科为国家重点学科。相关成果三次获诺贝尔获奖演讲引用,个人或团体获多项国家自然科学二等奖、科技部上海市自然科学一等奖、上海市技术发明一等奖、上海市青年科技杰出贡献奖。在研国家重点研发计划项目、基金委创新群体项目、国家重大仪器研制项目、基金委重点项目、上海市市级重大专项等一百余项。在Science及其子刊、Nature及其子刊、Phys. Rev. Lett.等国际一流期刊发表论文数百篇。






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? 光钟物理与应用研究平台

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The State Key Laboratory for Precision Spectroscopy invites global talentsto join us

Part 1


State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy(SKLPS),East China Normal University (ECNU),now situated independently in the Optics Building, was approved for establishment by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China in January 2007. The total area is 25,000 square meters, including clean rooms, electronics labs, machining shop, micro-nano processing labs, preparation rooms,and chip testing and diagnosis labs. There are more than 120 faculties and staffcurrently in SKLPS, and about 100 postgraduate students each year join SKLPS.

Professor Ma Longsheng was invited to attend 2005 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and the Rabi Award

SKLPS focuses on the following research areas:

??precise control of the optical field in the time-frequency domain,

??atomic and molecular physics and precise metrology,

??micro-nano photonics and devices,

??photonic chip,

??ultra-sensitive precision spectroscopy and sensing,

??manipulation of the ultrafast dynamics in the physical system

Closely following the frontiers of the optics discipline, the laboratory integrates national strategies and the demand for national economic development. It continues to challenge the limits of existing precision of such basic physical quantity as time, space, and frequency, explore new mechanisms, principles, methods, and technology, and establish new devices and equipment. Its research boasts distinctive advantages in optical spectroscopy with high resolution, high precision, and high sensitivity.

Laboratory environment

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Office environment

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For more lab information, please log onhttp://www.lps.ecnu.edu.cnor follow our Wechat account: lps-shanghai

Part 2

Job openings

ProgramofExcellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas)

We invite talented individuals from both home and abroad to apply for the 2024 Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) based atECNU.

The Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) aims to attract and motivate outstanding young overseas scholars, including non-Chinese foreign talents, who have demonstrated notable accomplishments in natural science, engineering technology, among others, to return to or join China for employment. Scholars or scientists can pursue innovative research in areas of their choice. The program seeks to promote the rapid growth of creative young talent and cultivate a group of highly skilled academic experts equipped with the most cutting-edge scientific technologies, to contribute to Chiese advancements in science and technology (for the program guide, visit https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab442/info91697.htm).

Basic Requirements

Applicants must meet the following qualifications:

(1) Comply with the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, adhere to ethical scientific practices, and embody the spirit of scientists in the new era;

(2) Born on or after January 1, 1984;

(3) Hold a doctoral degree;

(4) Specialize in fields such as natural science, engineering technology, and related fields;

(5) Have secured a formal teaching or scientific research position in an overseas university, scientific research institution, or corporate RD institution, with at least 36 months of continuous work experience since obtaining a doctoral degree until April 5, 2024. For those who have obtained a doctoral degree overseas, the work experience requirement may be relaxed if they have exceptional achievements;

(6) Acknowledged by peers for scientific research or technological discoveries, demonstrating the potential to become an academic trailblazer or outstanding talent in the field;

(7) Commit to working full-time in China for at least three years upon receiving the grant if they have not yet returned to work full-time in China, or have returned to work in China since January 1, 2023. They should resign from their overseas positions once they receive the funding.

Restrictive Requirements

In accordance with the guidelines of the National Science and Technology Talent Plan, applicants may only apply for or undertake one type of project among the same level of government-sponsored talent plans and are not permitted to apply for projects at a lower level.

For more information, please log on:https://mp..com/s/eb4JMpG7wTUm2rbgsODY5A

Perennial recruitment positions

Academic leaders

Applicants should have profound academic attainments in their respective field of study and should have obtained outstanding achievements recognized by the international academic communities.

Outstanding young scholars

Applicants should have obtained a PhD degree from or have engaged in post-doctoral research in Chinese and foreign universities or research institutions. They should have relatively good academic accumulation and potential for development, have obtained high-level research results recognized by the academic community, and be competent in their research tasks in the relevant areas of study. The applicants should, in principle, be less than 40 years of age.


Applicants for post-doctoral research must have a PhD degree obtained no more than three years before their post-doctoral application. They should be less than 35 years of age and their area of study should fall into the requirements set up by the relevant research teams. For more information, please refer to the lab website http://www.lps.ecnu.edu.cn, contact the project leaders, or consult the HR of SKLPS. Their annual income averages at 200,000-500,000 yuan.

Remuneration package:

Researchers at home and abroad are welcome to join us. All successful applicants for the above posts, during their time of employment, shall enjoy the relevant treatment offered by ECNU, Shanghai, and the country. They shall also enjoy supporting benefits from SKLPS,including research start-up funds, scientific research conditions, Children's schooling, housing subsidies, and other supports. They could learn more about the details of the remuneration package at the time of interview.

Please contact:

Mr. Liu:

Mobile and Wechat:17621790301

Office phone:021-54836023


Mr. Zheng:

Mobile and Wechat:18001790068

Office phone: 021-54836039

Email: ljzheng@phy.ecnu.edu.cn

Part 3

Introduction of ECNU

Founded in Shanghai on October 16, 1951 on the basis of Daxia University (1924-1951), GuanghuaUniversity(1925-1951), and some departments of St. John’s University (1879-1952), East China Normal University (ECNU) isa comprehensive research-based university jointly constructed by the Ministry of China and the People’s Government of Shanghai. It was sponsored by the national top university construction programs “Project 211” (1996) and “Project 985” (2006).In 2017, ECNUwas chosen as one of the 36 Class A universities on the list of Double First Class University Plan released by the central government of China. With two main campuses in Minhang and Putuo districts, it is reputed to be “one of the most beautiful campuses” in China.

ECNU is home to 19 members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and more than 300 national-level experts. It boasts three national double first-class disciplines, two national first-level key disciplines, five national second-level key disciplines, five national key disciplines under cultivation, 12 Class-A disciplines according the fourth round of discipline evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education, six peak disciplines of Shanghai, 12 municipal key disciplines, and 17 municipal first-class disciplines.

The university also boaststwoState Key Labs, one National Engineering Research Center, oneNational Field Observation and Research Station, one national-level International Joint Research Center, 33 ministerial and municipal research institutes, six Key Research Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences, one Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education (under cultivation), one national research base for textbook construction, six country and area study centers of the Ministry of Education, two national experimental bases for smart society administration, one national base for the inheritance and communication of excellent traditional Chinese culture, one research base for aging of the Chinese Association for Aging, one national think tank of National Press and Publication Administration (under cultivation), 28 research organs at the level of Shanghai Municipality and other provinces and ministries, 10 bases (2.0) for top student cultivation in basic disciplines, two national demonstrative centers for experimental teaching, one national virtual simulation experiment teaching center, and nine demonstrative centers for experimental teaching at the municipal level.

To improve its international competitive edge,ECNU has formulated a series of policies to attract and cultivate top talents. It is working steadily towards the goal of transforming itself into aworld-class university by the mid-21stcentury.

For more school information, please log on https://www.ecnu.edu.cn/or follow our Wechat account: 华东师范大学




