
Justin Chambers是什么意思 Justin Chambers的读音、翻译、用法

更新时间:2023-11-14 10:26:25作者:book

‘Justin Chambers’是英语中的名字,中文翻译为贾斯汀钱伯斯。他是一位美国男演员,主要活跃在电视剧和电影界。

Justin Chambers是什么意思 Justin Chambers的读音、翻译、用法


1. Justin Chambers is known for his role as Dr. Alex Karev on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy.(贾斯汀钱伯斯因在电视剧《实习医生格蕾》中扮演亚力克斯卡瑞夫医生而闻名。)

2. Chambers also starred in the movie The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez.(钱伯斯还与詹妮弗洛佩兹一起出演了电影《婚礼策划师》。)

3. Justin Chambers announced his departure from Grey’s Anatomy in 2020.(贾斯汀钱伯斯于xx年宣布退出《实习医生格蕾》。)

4. Some fans were disappointed by Chambers’ sudden departure from the show.(一些粉丝因钱伯斯突然退出节目而感到失望。)

5. Chambers won a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance on Grey’s Anatomy in 2007.(钱伯斯在xx年因在《实习医生格蕾》中的表演赢得了一项演员工会奖。)

6. Justin Chambers was born in Ohio in 1970.(贾斯汀钱伯斯于xx年出生在俄亥俄州。)

7. Before becoming an actor, Chambers worked as a model.(在成为演员之前,钱伯斯曾担任模特。)

8. Chambers has been married to his wife Keisha since 1993 and they have five children together.(钱伯斯自xx年以来一直与妻子凯莎结婚,他们共有五个孩子。)

9. Justin Chambers is also a philanthrot and has supported various charities over the years.(贾斯汀钱伯斯还是一位慈善家,多年来一直支持各种慈善组织。)

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