
bermuda是什么意思 bermuda的读音、翻译、用法

更新时间:2023-11-14 09:35:25作者:book

bermuda是什么意思 bermuda的读音、翻译、用法





1. The beautiful beaches of Bermuda attract thousands of tourists each year.(百慕大美丽的海滩每年吸引了数千名游客。)

2. The Bermuda Triangle is known for its mysterious disappearances of planes and ships.(百慕大三角区以其神秘的飞机和船只失踪而闻名。)

3. Bermuda shorts are a popular fashion item for men in the summer.(百慕大短裤是夏季男士流行的时尚单品。)

4. The Bermuda flag features a red British lion in the upper left corner.(百慕大国旗的左上角有一个红色的英国狮子。)

5. The Bermuda dollar is the official currency of the island.(百慕大元是该岛的货币。)

6. Bermuda onion is a type of sweet onion grown on the island.(百慕大洋葱是一种在该岛上种植的甜洋葱。)

7. The Bermuda Regiment is the military reserve force of the island.(百慕大军团是该岛的军事预备役。)

8. Bermuda gr is a type of gr commonly used on golf courses.(百慕大草是高尔夫球场上常用的一种草。)

9. The Bermuda cedar is a type of tree that is native to the island.(百慕大雪松是一种原产于该岛的树木。)

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