
tazo是什么意思 tazo的读音、翻译、用法

更新时间:2023-10-16 21:02:53作者:book



tazo是什么意思 tazo的读音、翻译、用法

1. ‌ (Did you know that Tazo is one of the best tea brands in the world?)

2. . (I always carry a pack of tea containing Tazo in my bag.)

3. . (I’m here to buy some Tazo.)

4. ‌ ‌ ‌. (When I go on a tea adventure with my friends, I always drink Tazo.)

5. . (The Tazo in this pack was very delicious.)

6. ‌ . (Tazo is very good, but I always look for other brands too.)

7. . (I love starting my day with a cup of Tazo tea.)

8. ‌ ‌ . (Tazo holds a special place for my family.)

9. . (I want to gift my friend a pack of Tazo tea.)

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