

更新时间:2023-06-05 04:07:47作者:book



15.The little girl was ______ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and deep. A)grieved B)suppressed C)oppressed D)sustained


16.Avisitor to a museum today would notice ______ changes in the way museums are operated. A)cognitive B)rigorous C)conspicuousD)exclusive

17.Most people tend to think they are so efficient at their job that they are ______ . A)inaccessible B)irreversible C)immovable D)irreplaceable

18.Bejing impatient is ______ with being a good teacher. A)intrinsic B)ingenious C)incompatible D)inherent

19.For a particular reason, he wanted the information to be treated as ______. A)assured B)reserved C)intimate D)confidential

20 .财富-教育资产标记_ _ _ statements suchas " yoursorrowswillchange," a " philosophical " ambal

21.The tenant mush be prepared to decorate the house ______the terms of the contract. A)in the vicinity of B)in quest of C)in accordance with D)in collaboration with


15 .一个叫a的女孩为狗的死而悲伤。 因为她对宠物有着真挚而深厚的感情。 a(grieve悲伤b ) suppress压迫c ) oppress镇压d ) sustain维持

16.C今天参观博物馆的人会注意到博物馆的运作方式发生了显著的变化。 a ) cognitive认知的b ) rigorous严格的c ) conspicuous明显的d ) exclusive独特的


a ) inaccessible上不可获得的b ) irreversible上不可逆转的c ) immovable上不可移动的d ) irreplaceable上不可替代的

18.C没有耐心和成为好老师是矛盾的。 a ) a ) a(intrinsic内在的b ) ingenious聪明的c ) incompatible矛盾的d ) inherent特定的

19 .出于某种特殊原因,他想对这个消息保密。 a )确认assured确信的b )保留的保守的c ) intimate亲密的d )机密

20.B老师擅长说模棱两可的话,比如“你按时工作”。 a ) philosophical复杂的b ) ambiguous模糊的c ) literal字面的d ) invalid无效

a ) in the vicinity of附近b ) in quest of .追求. c ) in accordance with )通过in collaboration with与.合作

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