

更新时间:2024-03-11 22:47:24作者:自考教育网

标题:探寻“hunger”的真正含义——从拼音到用法,让我们一起揭开这个词的面纱! 内容: 1. "hunger"的拼音:[ˈhʌŋɡər] 2. "hunger"怎么读:这个单词的发音有些特别,让我们一起来学习正确的读法吧! 3. "hunger"的用法和双语例句:在英语中,“hunger”通常指代饥饿的感觉,但它也可以用来形容对某种事物的强烈渴望。比如,我们常说“hungry for success”(渴望成功)。“Hunger”也可以作为动词使用,表示“渴望”或“迫切需要”。例如,“She hungered for love.”(她渴望爱情。)在下面的例句中,我们可以看到“hunger”被用来形容不同的情感和欲望: - The hunger for power can drive people to do terrible things. (对权力的渴求会驱使人们做出可怕的事情。) - He had a hunger for adventure that could not be satisfied. (他有着无法满足的冒险欲望。) 4. "hunger"的词组:除了上述用法外,“hunger”还可以和其他单词组合成多种词组,比如“hunger strike”(绝食抗议)、“hunger pangs”(饥饿感)、“hunger games”(饥饿游戏)等。这些词组都有着不同的含义和用法,让我们一起来探索吧! 5. "hunger"同义词示例:在英语中,有时候会用不同的单词来表达相同的意思。比如,“hunger”可以和“appetite”、“craving”、“desire”等单词互换使用。但它们之间也有着微妙的区别,让我们一起来发现它们各自的特点吧!



1. "hunger"的拼音是"hʌŋɡər"。

2. "hunger"是一个英文单词,意为“饥饿”,可以作名词或动词使用。

3. 在英语中,"hunger"通常用来指人们因缺乏食物而感到的身体上的饥饿感。

4. 除了字面上的意思,"hunger"还可以用来比喻对某种事物的渴望或强烈的欲望。

5. "hunger"也可以指某种需求或不满足感,比如精神上的渴望或追求。

6. 在医学领域,"hunger"也有特定的用法,指身体需要补充营养物质的状态。

7. "hunger"在古代英语中是"hungru",源自古日耳曼语"hungruz",意为“饥饿”。

8. "hunger"作为动词时,常与介词“for”连用,表示渴望、追求或希望得到某种东西。

9. 例如:"She hungered for success and worked hard to achieve her goals."(她渴望成功,并努力实现自己的目标。)

10. 此外,还有一些常见搭配词组:

- hunger pains:饥饿感

- hunger strike:绝食抗议

- hunger pangs:饥饿的痛苦感

- hunger for knowledge:对知识的渴求

- hunger for power:对权力的渴望


1. "hunger"是什么意思


2. 如何正确读音"hunger"


3. "hunger"与食物有关吗?


4. "hunger"与"hungry"有什么区别?

"hunger"是名词,而"hungry"则是形容词。简单来说,我们会说"I feel hunger."(我感到饥饿),但不会说"I feel hungry."(我感到hungry)。另外,hungry还可以作为动词使用,表示使某人感到饥饿。

5. 怎样用幽默方式解释"hunger"

如果你问我,"hunger"是什么意思,我会回答:"It's the feeling when your stomach is shouting 'feed me' but your fridge is empty."(当你的胃在大声呼喊“给我吃的”但冰箱却空空如也时的那种感觉。)幽默地表达出饥饿的感觉,让人忍不住笑出声来


1. "hunger"的用法

- 作为名词,指的是饥饿的状态或感觉,也可以表示对某种事物的强烈渴望或需求。

例如:I can't concentrate on my work because of hunger. (因为饥饿,我无法集中精力工作。)

- 作为动词,意思是渴望、迫切需要。

例如:He's been hungering for success all his life. (他一生都渴望成功。)

2. "hunger"的双语例句

- The refugees are suffering from hunger and thirst. (难民们正遭受着饥饿和口渴。)

- She has a constant hunger for knowledge. (她对知识有着持续不断的渴望。)

- The children were crying out of hunger. (孩子们因为饥饿而哭泣。)

- He couldn't resist the hunger for power and money. (他无法抵制对权力和金钱的渴望。)

- The charity organization is working to alleviate world hunger. (慈善组织正在努力缓解全球饥荒问题。)


1. Hunger for knowledge - 渴望知识

2. Hunger pangs - 饥饿感

3. Hunger strike - 绝食抗议

4. Hunger games - 饥饿游戏

5. Starvation hunger - 饥荒

6. Chronic hunger - 慢性饥饿

7. Hunger relief - 救助饥民

8. The hunger gap - 食物缺口

9. The hunger crisis - 食物危机

10. Fight against hunger - 打击饥饿行动


1. Starvation

- This word refers to the severe lack of food and nutrition, often resulting in extreme hunger and malnutrition.

- Example: The country is facing a crisis of starvation, with many people unable to afford even one meal a day.

2. Famished

- To be famished means to be extremely hungry, often due to not having eaten for a long time.

- Example: After hiking for hours, we were famished and couldn't wait to eat a hearty meal.

3. Craving

- This word describes an intense desire or longing for something, in this case, food.

- Example: She had been on a strict diet for weeks and was craving her favorite comfort food.

4. Appetite

- Appetite refers to the physical desire or need for food.

- Example: After being sick for days, she finally regained her appetite and was able to eat a full meal.

5. Rumbling stomach

- This phrase is often used to describe the sound made by an empty stomach when someone is hungry.

- Example: As we waited in line at the restaurant, my rumbling stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten all day.

6. Starving

- Similar to famished, this word also means to be extremely hungry.

- Example: The children in the village were starving due to the ongoing drought and lack of food.

7. Pangs of hunger

- Pangs are sharp feelings or sudden bursts of emotion. In this case, it refers to the sharp pains felt when someone is very hungry.

- Example: She couldn't concentrate on her work because she kept getting pangs of hunger.

8. Insatiable

- This word describes an appetite or desire that cannot be satisfied, no matter how much is consumed.

- Example: He has an insatiable appetite for success and will stop at nothing until he achieves his goals.

9. Empty stomach

- This phrase is often used to describe the feeling of hunger when someone hasn't eaten for a while.

- Example: She couldn't focus on her exam because her empty stomach was growling loudly.

10. Deprived

- Deprived means to be lacking or denied something, in this case, food.

- Example: The refugees were deprived of basic necessities, including food and clean water.

11. Ravenous

- To be ravenous means to be extremely hungry and eager to eat.

- Example: After a long day at work, I came home feeling ravenous and devoured my dinner in minutes.

12. Malnourished

- This word refers to a state of poor nutrition due to not consuming enough essential nutrients.

- Example: The malnourished children in the orphanage were finally receiving proper care and nutrition.

13. Craving

- Similar to craving, this word describes a strong desire or longing for something, specifically food.

- Example: Pregnant women often experience cravings for unusual foods that they wouldn't normally eat.

14. Starved

- This word means to suffer from extreme hunger and lack of food.

- Example: The prisoners were starved as a form of punishment by their captors.

15. Voracious

- To be voracious means to have an insatiable appetite or desire for something, in this case, food.

- Example: She has a voracious appetite for knowledge and is always reading books on various topics.

16. Peckish

- This word refers to a slight feeling of hunger or wanting a small snack.

- Example: I'm feeling a bit peckish, so I'll grab an apple before dinner.

17. Empty belly

- Similar to empty stomach, this phrase describes the feeling of hunger when someone hasn't eaten for a while.

- Example: As we walked through the village, we saw many children with empty bellies begging for food.

18. Craving

- This word can also be used to describe a strong desire or longing for something, specifically food.

- Example: After a long day at work, she was craving a warm bowl of soup to comfort her.

19. Undernourished

- This word means to be lacking proper nutrition and essential nutrients.

- Example: The undernourished population in the developing country is in dire need of aid and support.

20. Yearning

- Yearning refers to a strong feeling of desire or longing for something, often accompanied by sadness or frustration.

- Example: He had been away from home for months and was yearning for his mother's home-cooked meals


