

更新时间:2024-03-11 22:01:38作者:自考教育网




首先,"humble"最基本的意思就是谦逊的、谦虚的。当我们形容一个人为"humble"时,通常是指他/她不自大、不傲慢,而是保持着谦卑的态度。例如:"He is a very humble person and always puts others before himself."(他是一个非常谦逊的人,总是把别人放在自己之前。)这里的"humble"就表示这个人很谦虚。


除了形容人之外,"humble"也可以用来形容事物。比如说:"The village is a humble place with simple houses and friendly people."(这个村庄是一个朴实的地方,有简单的房屋和友好的居民。)这里的"humble"表示这个村庄很朴素、朴实。

另外,在情感方面,"humble"也可以表示某种程度上的羞愧或者惭愧。例如:"He felt humble when he realized his mistake."(当他意识到自己的错误时,他感到很羞愧。)这里的"humble"表示他感到很惭愧。

除了上述的基本意思之外,"humble"还有一些其他的用法。比如,它可以表示某种程度上的低质量或者低档次。例如:"The restaurant offers humble food at affordable prices."(这家餐厅提供价格实惠的普通食物。)这里的"humble"表示食物不是很高档。

此外,"humble"还可以作为动词使用,意思是使谦逊、使卑微。例如:"He was humbled by the experience and became a better person."(他被这次经历所感动,变得更加谦虚。)这里的"humbled"表示被某件事情所影响而变得谦虚


1. 谦逊的意思:humble一词的意思是谦逊的,它来自于拉丁语“humilis”,意为“地位低下的”。所以,当我们说某人是humble时,就是在赞扬他谦虚、谦恭、不自负。

2. 发音:humble的发音是[hʌmbl],重音在第一个音节。如果你想更加准确地读出这个单词,可以将“hu”读成汉语中“呼”的发音,然后接着念“姆布尔”。

3. 同义词:除了humble外,还有一些同义词可以表达相同的含义,比如modest、unassuming、demure等。它们都可以用来形容一个人谦逊、谦恭的品质。

4. 例句:下面给出几个例句来帮助你更好地理解humble这个词的用法:

- She is a humble person who never boasts about her achievements.


- The king was praised for his humble attitude towards his people.


- Despite his success, he remained humble and down-to-earth.



1. humble的意思是谦逊的,谦虚的,不自负的。在英语中,humble也可以表示低微的,卑微的。

2. humble怎么读?humble读作/ˈhʌmbl/。

3. humble的同义词包括modest、unassuming、unpretentious等。例如:She is a very humble person and never boasts about her achievements.


4. 以下是关于humble用法和双语例句:

- 谦虚的人总是受人喜爱。The humble person is always well-liked.

- 他总是保持谦逊。He always remains humble.

- 这位演员虽然成名多年,但仍然保持着谦逊。Despite being famous for many years, this actor remains humble.

- 她对自己取得的成就感到很谦虚。She is very humble about her achievements.

- 谦逊是一种美德。Humility is a virtue


1. humble beginnings - 谦逊的起步

例句:Despite his success, he never forgot his humble beginnings and always remained grounded.

2. humble oneself - 谦卑自己

例句:In order to be truly successful, one must learn to humble oneself and be open to learning from others.

3. humble opinion - 谦虚的意见

例句:I would like to offer my humble opinion on the matter, but ultimately the decision is up to you.

4. humble abode - 谦逊的住所

例句:After living in a mansion for years, he decided to downsize and move into a more humble abode.

5. humbling experience - 令人谦卑的经历

例句:Traveling to a third world country was a humbling experience that made me appreciate what I have more.

6. humbled by - 因...而谦卑

例句:He was humbled by the generosity of strangers who helped him when he was in need.

7. eat humble pie - 忍气吞声,认错

例句:After realizing his mistake, he had to eat humble pie and apologize for his actions.

8. humble servant - 谦恭的仆人,谦虚的服务者

例句:She always referred to herself as a humble servant of God, dedicating her life to serving others.

9. take someone down a peg (or two) - 使某人谦卑,使某人自负不起来

例句:His arrogance needed to be taken down a peg or two, so I called him out on his behavior.

10. put on (or wear) a humble face - 假装谦虚,装出谦逊的样子

例句:He may seem confident, but deep down he is just putting on a humble face to hide his insecurities


1. Modest - 谦逊的

例句:She always speaks in a modest tone, never boasting about her achievements.

2. Unassuming - 不爱出风头的

例句:Despite his success, he remains unassuming and down to earth.

3. Humble - 谦虚的

例句:He is a humble man who never takes credit for his accomplishments.

4. Meek - 温顺的

例句:The meek boy was often overlooked by his classmates, but he never complained.

5. Low-key - 低调的

例句:The celebrity chose to have a low-key wedding ceremony with only close friends and family.

6. Simple - 简朴的

例句:Despite his wealth, he lives a simple life without any extravagance.

7. Unpretentious - 不炫耀的

例句:She is unpretentious and always treats everyone with kindness.

8. Modest - 谦虚的

例句:His modesty is admirable, even though he is one of the most successful businessmen in the country.

9. Humble - 谦卑的

例句:The humble monk lived a simple life devoted to helping others.

10. Self-effacing - 自谦的

例句:Her self-effacing nature makes her well-liked by everyone she meets


