

更新时间:2024-03-11 21:54:04作者:自考教育网




1. humanoid的拼音为 [hjuːmənɔɪd]。

2. humanoid一词由human(人类)和oid(形容词后缀,表示“像”的意思)组成,因此其含义为“像人类的”。

3. 在英语中,humanoid一般用作名词,指的是一种具有人类特征或形态的生物。在科幻作品中,也常用来描述外星生物或机器人。

4. 除了作为名词使用外,humanoid也可以用作形容词,表示某物具有人类的特征或形态。

5. 在日常生活中,我们常听到humanoid这个词与机器人相关联。事实上,在机器人领域,humanoid指的就是具有类似于人类身体结构和动作能力的机器人。

6. 由于humanoid一词在英语中并不常见,在其他语言中也没有直接对应的翻译,因此它通常被直接借用。比如在法语中依然是humanoid,在西班牙语中则是humanoide,在德语中则是Humanoid。

7. 总结一下,humanoid的拼音为 [hjuːmənɔɪd],意为“像人类的”,主要用来指代具有人类特征或形态的生物或机器人


1. 什么是humanoid?


2. 如何正确读取humanoid?


2.1 首先,分解单词。如前所述,humanoid由两个单词组成,因此我们可以先分别读取每个单词的发音。“human”的发音为/ˈhjuːmən/,“oid”的发音为/ɔɪd/。

2.2 其次,合并发音。将两个单词的发音连起来即可得到完整的发音。在这里,“human”的结尾/mən/与“oid”的开头/ɔɪd/相连,因此可以读作/hjuːmɔɪd/。

2.3 最后,在阅读中注意重音。通常情况下,“-oid”结尾的单词重音在倒数第二个音节上。因此,在读取humanoid时,重音应该放在第一个“o”上。

3. 如何正确理解humanoid的含义?


4. humanoid在不同领域的应用


4.1 科幻领域:在科幻作品中,常常会出现具有人类外形和特征的外星生物或机器人,这些角色也被称为humanoid。

4.2 机器人技术领域:近年来,随着机器人技术的发展,越来越多具有类似人类形态和特征的机器人被开发出来,并被称为humanoid robots(类人形机器人)。

4.3 游戏行业:在游戏中,我们也经常会遇到具有类似人类外形和特征的虚拟角色,如游戏《辐射》中的超级变种人就被称为super mutant humanoid(超级变种人类)


1. humanoid的定义


2. humanoid的用法


2.1 科学领域


2.2 科幻领域


2.3 游戏领域



1. "The new robot designed by the company is a perfect humanoid, with human-like features and movements."

2. "The science fiction movie featured a humanoid alien species, with advanced technology and intelligence."

3. "The museum exhibit showcased different types of humanoid robots, from simple to highly complex ones."

4. "The company's latest invention, a humanoid assistant, can perform various tasks and interact with humans in a natural way."

5. "Many people are fascinated by the idea of creating humanoid robots that can mimic human behavior and emotions."

6. "In the virtual reality game, players can choose to play as a humanoid character or a non-humanoid one."

7. "Some scientists argue that creating advanced humanoids could lead to ethical concerns and potential dangers in the future."

8. "The team of researchers successfully programmed a humanoid robot to learn and adapt to different environments."

9. "The concept of humanoid robots has been around for centuries, with ancient myths and legends featuring artificial beings with human-like appearance."

10. "As technology continues to advance, we may see more practical applications of humanoids in various industries such as healthcare and manufacturing."


1. Anthropomorphic

- Definition: having human characteristics or form

- Example: The humanoid robot was designed to have anthropomorphic features, such as arms, legs, and a head.

2. Humanlike

- Definition: resembling or characteristic of humans

- Example: The AI assistant had a humanlike voice and mannerisms, making it seem almost like a real person.

3. Personoid

- Definition: resembling or representing a person

- Example: The mannequin had a personoid appearance, with realistic facial features and body proportions.

4. Homunculus

- Definition: a small human-like creature or being

- Example: In ancient alchemy, it was believed that a homunculus could be created through artificial means.

5. Android

- Definition: an automaton in the form of a human being

- Example: The android was programmed to interact with humans and perform tasks just like a real person.

6. Golem

- Definition: in Jewish folklore, an artificially created human-like being brought to life through magic or supernatural means

- Example: The legend of the golem tells the story of a rabbi who created a humanoid out of clay and brought it to life to protect the Jewish community.

7. Cyborg

- Definition: an organism that combines organic and artificial components

- Example: With its robotic limbs and advanced technology implants, the cyborg appeared almost indistinguishable from humans.

8. Automaton

- Definition: a self-operating machine or robot

- Example: The automaton was designed to mimic human movements and actions with incredible precision.

9. Droid

- Definition: an intelligent robot designed for specific tasks

- Example: In the Star Wars universe, droids are often portrayed as humanoid robots with advanced abilities and personalities.

10. Replica

- Definition: an exact copy or reproduction of something

- Example: The scientists created a humanoid replica of a famous historical figure to study and understand their behavior and mannerisms



