

更新时间:2024-03-11 21:29:02作者:自考教育网



What does hugged mean?

1. Hugged的含义


2. Hugged的发音


3. Hugged的同义词


4. Hugged的例句

- She hugged her best friend tightly as they said goodbye.

- The mother hugged her child close to her chest.

- He hugged his girlfriend and whispered “I love you” in her ear.

- The little girl hugged her teddy bear as she fell asleep.

- The couple hugged each other in celebration of their anniversary.

5. Hugged与其他动词搭配使用

- Hug someone/something:拥抱某人/某物

- Give someone a hug:给某人一个拥抱

- Hug it out:通过拥抱来解决问题或缓和紧张气氛

- Hug oneself:自我安慰或自我满足

6. Hugged的用法提示


How do you pronounce hugged?

1. 原始含义


2. 发音


3. 同义词


4. 例句

- She hugged her children tightly when they returned from school.


- The couple hugged each other in joy when they heard the good news.


- The little girl hugged her teddy bear and refused to let go.


5. 衍生词

- Hugger:名词,指喜欢拥抱别人或被人拥抱的人。

- Huggable:形容词,指容易被拥抱的,可爱的。

- Hugely:副词,指以拥抱为特征的,非常地。

6. 用法小贴士

Hugged是一个及物动词,需要搭配宾语使用。常见的搭配有:hug someone/something、hug each other、hug tightly等

Usage and examples of hugged

1. Definition of hugged

Hugged is a verb that means to hold someone tightly in one's arms, typically as a sign of affection. It can also refer to embracing or enfolding something closely.

2. Pronunciation of hugged

The word "hugged" is pronounced as /hʌɡd/, with the "h" being silent.

3. Synonyms of hugged

Some synonyms for hugged include embraced, cuddled, snuggled, squeezed, and clutched.

4. Examples of usage for hugged

- After not seeing each other for years, the siblings hugged each other tightly.

- The little girl ran to her mother and hugged her legs.

- The teddy bear was so soft and cuddly that the child couldn't resist hugging it.

- The couple hugged each other tightly before saying goodbye at the airport.

- The old man was overcome with emotion and hugged his long-lost friend.

5. Idioms using hugged

- Hug it out: to resolve a disagreement or conflict through physical embrace or affectionate gestures.

Example: Instead of arguing, they decided to hug it out and make up.

- Hug someone's neck: to give someone a big hug around their neck as a sign of affection.

Example: Every time I see my grandma, she always hugs my neck and tells me how much she loves me.

6. Cultural significance of hugging

In many cultures, hugging is seen as an important way to show love, comfort, and support towards others. It can also be used as a greeting or farewell gesture among friends and family members. In some cultures, however, physical touch such as hugging may not be as common or acceptable.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "hugged" is a verb that refers to holding someone tightly in one's arms as a sign of affection or embracing something closely. It has various synonyms and can be used in different idiomatic expressions. Hugging is a universal gesture of love and affection, but its cultural significance may vary

Phrases with hugged

1. Warmly hugged - 暖心的拥抱

例句:She warmly hugged her friend to show her appreciation.

2. Affectionately hugged - 深情的拥抱

例句:The couple affectionately hugged each other after being apart for so long.

3. Tightly hugged - 紧紧的拥抱

例句:He tightly hugged his mother before leaving for college.

4. Lovingly hugged - 充满爱意的拥抱

例句:The child lovingly hugged their pet dog every day.

5. Emotionally hugged - 充满感情的拥抱

例句:She emotionally hugged her sister after hearing the good news.

6. Gratefully hugged - 感激地拥抱

例句:He gratefully hugged his mentor who helped him achieve his goals.

7. Playfully hugged - 俏皮地拥抱

例句:The siblings playfully hugged each other during a game of tag.

8. Reassuringly hugged - 安慰地拥抱

例句:She reassuringly hugged her friend who was going through a tough time.

9. Gently hugged - 轻轻地拥抱

例句:He gently hugged his crying partner and whispered words of comfort.

10. Heartfelt hug - 衷心的拥抱

例句:The heartfelt hug from her loved ones made her feel loved and supported

Synonyms for hugged with examples

1. Embraced

- Definition: to hold someone closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection or comfort.

- Example: After a long day at work, I was greeted by my dog who eagerly embraced me with his paws.

2. Clasped

- Definition: to hold something tightly, often with both hands.

- Example: The child clasped onto her favorite toy as she slept, not wanting to let it go even in her dreams.

3. Squeezed

- Definition: to press or grip something tightly, especially with one's arms or hands.

- Example: The siblings hugged each other tightly, squeezing out all the tension and resentment that had built up between them.

4. Embraced warmly

- Definition: to hug someone with warmth and affection.

- Example: As soon as she saw her best friend after months apart, she ran towards her and embraced her warmly.

5. Enveloped

- Definition: to wrap or cover someone completely, often in a comforting way.

- Example: The mother enveloped her crying child in a warm hug, soothing away all the fears and worries.

6. Wrapped around

- Definition: to encircle someone or something with one's arms or body.

- Example: The lovers stood by the ocean, wrapped around each other as they watched the sunset together.

7. Held close

- Definition: to keep someone near and dear by holding them tightly in one's arms.

- Example: The old couple held close to each other as they danced together at their 50th wedding anniversary celebration.

8. Cuddled

- Definition: to hold someone close in an affectionate manner for warmth or comfort.

- Example: The cat cuddled up next to its owner on the couch, purring contentedly as it was hugged back lovingly.

9. Embraced tenderly

- Definition: to hug someone gently and with care.

- Example: The mother embraced her newborn baby tenderly, feeling the warmth of their bond grow stronger with each hug.

10. Grasped

- Definition: to hold onto something firmly with one's hands.

- Example: The child grasped onto the teddy bear tightly, never wanting to let go of its comforting presence

In summary, hugged is a verb that means to hold someone tightly in one's arms, usually as a gesture of affection or comfort. It is pronounced "huhg-d" and can be used in various phrases and expressions, such as "group hug" or "bear hug." Some synonyms for hugged include embraced, cuddled, and snuggled. For example, "The mother hugged her child tightly after a long day at school." As the editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and usage of hugged better. If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for reading!


