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The pronunciation of house


1. “house”的意思是什么?



2. 怎么读“house”?


3. “house”的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句

a) I live in a small house in the countryside.


b) The government has decided to house the refugees in temporary shelters.


c) The meeting will be held in the parliament house.



Is house an idiom?

1. 简介


2. 什么是习语?


3. house作为房屋的意思

最常见的用法是将house作为“房子”或“住宅”的意思。例如,“I live in a big house.”(我住在一座大房子里。)这种用法并不具有特殊含义,因此不能被归类为习语。

4. house作为动词

除了名词外,house也可以作为动词使用。当house被用作动词时,它表示“提供住所”或“容纳”。例如,“The hotel can house up to 200 guests.”(这家酒店可以容纳200位客人。)在这种情况下,house也不能被归类为习语。

5. house作为习语

然而,有一种特殊的用法将house作为习语来使用。当我们说某人“has a lot of houses”,意思并不是他拥有很多房子,而是指他有很多财产或资产。这种用法经常出现在商业场合中,例如,“He's a successful businessman and has a lot of houses.”(他是一个成功的商人,拥有很多财产。)

6. 同义词

除了house之外,还有一些其他的习语可以表示相同的含义。“Real estate”(房地产)和“properties”(财产)都可以被用来表达“房子”或“财产”的意思。

7. 例句


- She's a real estate mogul and has a lot of houses all over the world.


- He inherited his father's fortune and now he has a lot of houses.


- The company's CEO has a lot of houses, but he still lives in his modest childhood home.


Usage and examples of house

1. House的含义


2. House的发音


3. House的同义词


4. House的例句

- I just bought a new house in the suburbs.


- The White House is the official residence of the US President.


- I'm going to my friend's house for dinner tonight.


5. 表示家庭成员关系的短语


Antonyms and synonyms of house

1. Antonyms of house:

- Apartment: a self-contained housing unit within a larger building, often used synonymously with "flat" in British English.

Example: She lives in an apartment in the city, not a house in the suburbs.

- Shack: a small, poorly built dwelling, often used for temporary or impoverished housing.

Example: The homeless man lived in a shack on the outskirts of town, not a proper house.

- Mansion: a large and impressive house, often associated with wealth and luxury.

Example: The Hollywood star's mansion is the envy of many, but some prefer a more modest house.

- Hut: a simple and usually small shelter or dwelling made of natural materials such as wood or mud.

Example: The villagers lived in huts made of bamboo and thatched roofs, not grand houses like those in the city.

2. Synonyms of house:

- Home: the place where one lives permanently, especially as part of a family or household.

Example: After traveling for many years, she finally found her home in this small town and bought a beautiful house there.

- Residence: a person's home; the place where someone lives permanently or on a long-term basis.

Example: The diplomat's residence was an elegant house with spacious rooms and stunning views of the city skyline.

- Abode: formal word for "home" or "residence".

Example: His abode was located on top of the hill, overlooking the vast valley below.

- Dwelling: any place where people live; can refer to houses, apartments, huts, etc.

Example: The nomadic tribe moved from one dwelling to another every few months.

3. Example sentences using "house":

- I'm looking to buy my first house next year.

- We're having a party at our new house this weekend.

- The old abandoned house on the hill is said to be haunted.

- The house was filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies.

- They moved into a bigger house to accommodate their growing family

Explanation of the meaning of house


1. house的基本含义

首先,让我们来看一下house最基本的含义。它可以指代一个建筑物,通常是人们居住的地方。比如,“I live in a small house in the suburbs.”(我住在郊区的一栋小房子里。)此外,house也可以指代一个家庭或家庭成员。“The whole house was excited for the new arrival.”(全家人都为新成员的到来感到兴奋。)因此,在大多数情况下,house都与“家”有关联。

2. house的其他含义

除了上面提到的基本含义外,house还有其他一些用法。例如,在商业领域中,house可以指代一家公司或机构。“I work at a publishing house.”(我在一家出版社工作。)此外,在政治上,“the House”通常指代国会中的众议院。“The bill was passed by the House of Representatives.”(该法案被众议院通过了。)

3. house的同义词

如果你想要表达房子的另一种说法,可以使用以下同义词替换house:home、residence、dwelling、property等。例如,“I'm looking for a new residence in the city.”(我正在城市里寻找一处新住所。)

4. house的用法示例

- My parents are planning to sell our old house and move to a bigger one.


- The White House is the official residence and workplace of the US President.


- I have a lot of work to do, but I can't focus with all these people in the house.




