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The meaning of housewife

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除了housewife这个单词外,还有一些与之相关的同义词可以用来描述同样的意思。比如homemaker, housekeeper, stay-at-home mom等。下面是一些例句,帮助更好地理解这些词的含义。

- She is a full-time housewife and takes care of her children and household chores.


- My mother used to be a housewife, but now she has a part-time job.


- Being a housewife is not an easy job, it requires a lot of hard work and patience.


- She decided to quit her job and become a stay-at-home mom after having her second child.



How to pronounce housewife


1. 首先,housewife的意思是“家庭主妇”,指的是那些在家照顾家庭、孩子和做家务的女性。

2. 如何读准housewife呢?其实很简单,可以分为两部分来读:首先是“haus”,发音类似于英语中的“house”,意为“房子”;然后是“wife”,发音为“waif”,意为“妻子”。将两部分连起来就是housewife啦!

3. 如果你想要更加标准地发音,可以参考下面的音标:[ˈhaʊsˌwaɪf]。

4. housewife还有一些同义词,比如homemaker、stay-at-home mom等,它们都指代相同的含义。

5. 下面给你举几个例句来帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词:

- She used to be a career woman, but now she's happy being a housewife.


- My mother is a great housewife, she can cook, clean and take care of the kids all at once.


- The housewife's job is often undervalued, but it requires a lot of skills and hard work.



Usage and examples of housewife

1. Meaning of housewife

Housewife is a term used to describe a married woman who manages her household and takes care of her family's domestic needs. It is derived from the words "house" and "wife", indicating that the woman's primary role is to take care of the home.

2. Pronunciation of housewife

The word "housewife" is pronounced as /ˈhaʊsˌwaɪf/ or "house-waif". The emphasis is on the first syllable, which is pronounced with a long "o" sound.

3. Synonyms for housewife

- Homemaker: This term emphasizes the woman's role in making a home for her family.

- Stay-at-home mom: This term is used to describe a mother who stays at home to take care of her children and household.

- Domestic engineer: This term highlights the skills and abilities required to manage a household effectively.

4. Example sentences using housewife

- She gave up her career to become a full-time housewife.

- As a housewife, she manages all the household chores and takes care of her children.

- My grandmother was an excellent cook, she was a true housewife.

- Despite being labeled as just a housewife, she also runs her own successful business from home.

5. Importance of housewives

Housewives play an essential role in maintaining a happy and healthy family life. They are responsible for managing household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of children. They also provide emotional support to their family members and contribute significantly to their well-being.

6. Challenges faced by housewives

Being a housewife comes with its own set of challenges, such as lack of recognition for their work, isolation from the outside world, and financial dependence on their spouse. They often have to juggle multiple responsibilities without getting any breaks or appreciation.

7. Changing role of housewives

With changing times, the role of housewives has also evolved. Many women now balance their household duties with part-time or full-time work outside the home. They are also taking on more significant roles in decision-making and managing finances within the family.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, a housewife is a married woman who manages her household and takes care of her family's domestic needs. Despite facing various challenges, they play a crucial role in maintaining a happy and healthy family life. Their role is constantly evolving, and they are now taking on more significant responsibilities both inside and outside the home

Phrases with housewife

1. Domestic Goddess: This phrase is often used to describe a housewife who excels at managing the household and taking care of her family.

Example: She may have given up her career, but she has become a domestic goddess in her own right.

2. Homemaker: This is another term for housewife, emphasizing the role of creating a comfortable and nurturing home for one's family.

Example: My mother was a homemaker, always making sure our house was clean and welcoming.

3. Stay-at-home mom: This phrase is commonly used to describe a mother who chooses to stay at home and take care of her children instead of working outside the home.

Example: After having kids, she became a stay-at-home mom and dedicated herself to raising her family.

4. Domestic engineer: This humorous term refers to the multitasking skills required for managing a household, from cooking and cleaning to budgeting and organizing.

Example: Being a housewife may not come with a paycheck, but it requires serious domestic engineering skills.

5. Chief Household Officer (CHO): A play on the title of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), this term highlights the important role that housewives play in running their households.

Example: As the CHO of our household, my wife makes sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

6. Queen of the Castle: This phrase portrays a housewife as the ruler of her domain, responsible for maintaining order and harmony in her home.

Example: My grandmother was known as the queen of the castle, always keeping everyone in line with love and care.

7. Domestic Diva: This term combines domestic duties with glamour and style, often used to describe a housewife who has mastered both aspects.

Example: She may be busy with household chores all day, but she still manages to look like a domestic diva at all times.

8. Family Manager: Similar to CHO, this phrase acknowledges the many responsibilities that come with being a housewife, from taking care of the family's needs to managing the household budget.

Example: As the family manager, she makes sure our home runs smoothly and our needs are always met.

9. Homemaking Heroine: This phrase celebrates the hard work and dedication of a housewife, often used in a lighthearted and appreciative manner.

Example: My wife is my homemaking heroine, always putting our family's needs above her own.

10. Household CEO: Another play on the title of CEO, this phrase recognizes the leadership skills required for managing a household and making important decisions.

Example: As the household CEO, my mother had to make tough decisions every day to keep our family running smoothly

Synonyms for housewife with examples

1. Homemaker

- Definition: a person, typically a woman, who manages a home and cares for the family and household tasks.

- Example: She chose to be a homemaker and raise her children instead of pursuing a career.

2. Stay-at-home mom

- Definition: a mother who remains at home to care for her children rather than working outside the home.

- Example: After having her second child, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom.

3. Domestic engineer

- Definition: someone who manages household tasks and responsibilities with efficiency and skill.

- Example: She may not have a formal job title, but she is definitely a domestic engineer in her own home.

4. Household manager

- Definition: someone who oversees all aspects of running a household, including organizing schedules, managing finances, and overseeing domestic staff.

- Example: As a household manager, she ensures that everything runs smoothly in her large household.

5. Home economist

- Definition: someone who specializes in managing the resources of the home, such as budgeting, meal planning, and organization.

- Example: As a trained home economist, she is able to effectively manage her family's budget and keep their home running efficiently.

6. Domestic goddess

- Definition: an informal term for someone who excels at homemaking tasks and takes pride in creating a comfortable and welcoming home.

- Example: She may not have any professional qualifications, but she is definitely a domestic goddess when it comes to cooking and decorating her home.

7. Housekeeper

- Definition: someone employed to manage household tasks such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc.

- Example: As the housekeeper for this large estate, she is responsible for keeping everything clean and organized.

8. Home manager

- Definition: someone who oversees all aspects of managing a household including budgeting, meal planning, scheduling appointments, etc.

- Example: With four children and a busy husband, she has become an expert home manager to keep everything running smoothly.

9. Domestic manager

- Definition: someone who manages all domestic tasks and responsibilities in a household.

- Example: As the domestic manager of her family's home, she has to juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks every day.

10. Family caretaker

- Definition: someone who takes care of the physical, emotional, and social needs of their family members.

- Example: As the family caretaker, she makes sure that everyone is well-fed, clothed, and taken care of in every aspect

housewife指的是主要负责家务和照顾家庭的妇女。它是由house和wife两个单词组合而成,发音为[hous-wahyf]。在英语中,我们还可以用homemaker、stay-at-home mom或domestic engineer来代替housewife。例如:She is a homemaker and takes care of her children full-time.



