

更新时间:2024-03-11 19:36:08作者:自考教育网



1. hot的含义



2. hot的解释

a. 热的:这是hot最常见的含义,指物体或环境温度高。例如:The coffee is too hot to drink.(咖啡太热了,不能喝。)

b. 火热的:在口语中,hot也可以表示“火热的”,指处于高温状态。例如:It's so hot in here, can we turn on the air conditioner?(这里太热了,我们能开空调吗?)

c. 炙热的:hot也可以用来形容非常强烈或激烈的感觉。例如:The chili sauce is too hot for me to handle.(这个辣酱对我来说太辣了。)

d. 激动的:在口语中,hot还可以表示“激动的”、“兴奋的”。例如:I'm so hot for this concert!(我对这场音乐会太激动了!)

e. 受欢迎的:在俚语中,hot也可以表示“受欢迎”的意思。例如:This new restaurant is really hot right now.(这家新餐厅现在很受欢迎。)

f. 热门的:hot也可以表示“热门的”、“流行的”。例如:The new song by Taylor Swift is really hot on the charts.(泰勒·斯威夫特的新歌在排行榜上很热门。)

g. 辣的:在美国英语中,hot还可以表示“辣的”,通常用来形容食物。例如:I love eating hot wings.(我喜欢吃辣鸡翅。)

3. hot怎么读


4. hot同义词

a. Warm:意为“温暖的”,与hot类似,但程度稍低。

b. Boiling:意为“沸腾的”,通常用来形容水或液体温度非常高。

c. Burning:意为“灼烧的”,通常用来形容物体表面温度非常高。

d. Passionate:意为“充满激情的”,可以用来形容人或事物。

e. Popular:意为“受欢迎的”、“流行的”。

f. Spicy:意为“辛辣的”。

5. hot例句

a. The weather is so hot today, I can't go outside without sweating.


b. Be careful, the soup is still hot.


c. The competition between the two teams was really hot.


d. I'm so hot for this new video game, I can't wait to play it.


e. The new movie is really hot right now, everyone is talking about it.


f. This curry is too hot for me, I can't handle the spiciness.




1. 热门的发音:[hɒt],读作“哈特”

2. 热门的同义词:popular,trending,in demand

3. 热门的例句:

- This new restaurant is really hot right now. 这家新餐厅现在非常受欢迎。

- The latest fashion trend is always hot among teenagers. 最新的时尚潮流总是年轻人中间最热门的话题。

- The hot weather makes it difficult to stay outside for too long. 高温天气让人很难在外面待太久


1. hot的意思是什么?


2. hot怎么读?


3. hot的同义词有哪些?


4. hot在双语例句中如何使用?

- The weather is really hot today, I'm sweating a lot.


- This chili sauce is too hot for me, my mouth is on fire.


- The new fashion trend is really hot among young people.


- She's the hottest celebrity in Hollywood right now.


- He's so charming and good-looking, he's definitely a hot guy.



1. hot coffee - 热咖啡

2. hot weather - 炎热的天气

3. hot tea - 热茶

4. hot spot - 热点(指引起广泛关注的话题或地区)

5. hot sauce - 辣酱

6. hot shower - 热水淋浴

7. hot topic - 热门话题

8. hot potato - 棘手的问题(比喻)

9. hot chocolate - 热巧克力

10. hot trend - 流行趋势

11. hot seat - 关键位置(指重要职位或处于压力下的处境)

12. hot button issue - 敏感问题

13. hot air balloon - 热气球

14. hot temper - 脾气暴躁的性格

15. hot property - 抢手物品或房产

16. in the heat of the moment - 在激动的情绪中(常用于形容做出冲动决定)

17. feel the heat - 感受到压力或紧张感

18.hot-blooded- 性格热情奔放的,易怒的(常用于形容人)

19.hotline- 热线电话(指提供紧急服务或咨询服务的电话线路)

20.hotbed- 温床,温室(指有利于发展某种事物的环境)


1. Sizzling

例句:The hot weather made everyone feel sizzling and uncomfortable.

2. Scorching

例句:The scorching sun beat down on us as we walked through the desert.

3. Boiling

例句:The boiling water in the pot was ready to be used for cooking.

4. Blistering

例句:The blistering heat of the summer sun made it difficult to stay outside for too long.

5. Burning

例句:The burning sensation on my skin was a result of staying out in the hot sun for too long.

6. Roasting

例句:We enjoyed a delicious meal on a roasting hot day, despite the heat.

7. Sweltering

例句:The sweltering heat of the tropics was almost unbearable for someone used to cooler climates.

8. Torrid

例句:The torrid temperatures during the heatwave caused many people to seek refuge in air-conditioned buildings.

9. Fiery

例句:The fiery rays of the sun could be seen reflecting off the water in the lake.

10. Oppressive

例句:The oppressive heat and humidity made it hard to breathe outside without feeling suffocated.

11. Red-hot

例句:We sat around a red-hot campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories.

12. Sultry

例句:The sultry weather made it difficult to sleep at night without an air conditioner or fan.

13. Tropical

例句:We spent our vacation lounging on tropical beaches, enjoying the warm, hot weather.

14. Feverish

例句: The feverish temperatures during a heatwave can be dangerous if not properly managed and hydrated.

15. Tropic

例句: The tropic climate is characterized by hot temperatures and high humidity levels


