

更新时间:2024-03-11 19:30:45作者:自考教育网



1. hotshot的发音是[hɑtʃɑt],其中[hɑt]为重读音节,[ʃɑt]为轻读音节。


2. [hɑt]的发音为闭前不圆唇元音,舌尖抵住下齿龈,舌身稍微向后抬起,气流从口腔中央流出。

3. [ʃɑt]的发音为清边擦音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌身向上弯曲,气流从舌尖和上齿龈之间流出。

4. 综合来看,hotshot的发音是一个较短的、带有强烈语调的、由两个元音和两个辅音组成的单词


1. hotshot的词性


2. hotshot的起源


3. hotshot的同义词


4. hotshot在句子中的用法

(1) 作为名词使用:

- She is a hotshot in the fashion industry.


- The company hired a hotshot to lead their marketing team.


(2) 作为形容词使用:

- He is a hotshot programmer, always coming up with innovative solutions.


- The hotshot lawyer won the case with ease.


5. hotshot的常见用法


6. hotshot的反义词


7. hotshot的使用场景



1. hotshot的定义


2. hotshot的用法

Hotshot通常用来形容那些在某个领域非常出色、备受赞誉、备受关注的人。这些人往往具有超凡的能力、卓越的表现和成功的经历。例如,“He is a hotshot in the tech industry.”(他是科技行业里备受瞩目的人物)。

3. hotshot的例句

- She's a hotshot lawyer who never loses a case.(她是一位从不败诉的杰出律师。)

- The company hired a hotshot marketer to boost its sales.(公司雇佣了一位精明能干的营销专家来提升销售业绩。)

- The young musician quickly became a hotshot in the music industry.(这位年轻音乐家迅速成为了音乐界备受瞩目的人物。)

- The new CEO is determined to turn this struggling company into a hotshot in the market.(新任CEO决心将这家陷入困境的公司打造成市场上备受关注的企业。)

4. hotshot与其他同义词比较


5. hotshot的反义词


6. hotshot在影视作品中的使用

Hotshot这个词汇经常出现在影视作品中,在剧情中往往指那些备受关注、非常成功、备受尊敬的人物。例如,在电影《The Wolf of Wall Street》中,主角Jordan Belfort被称为“the hotshot of Wall Street”(华尔街上最杰出的人物)


1. Hotshot executive - 超级高管,指在企业中地位显赫、能力出众的高层管理人员。

2. Political hotshot - 政界大佬,指政治领域中具有影响力、地位显赫的人物。

3. Hollywood hotshot - 好莱坞大腕,指在电影界享有盛誉、备受瞩目的人物。

4. Tech hotshot - 科技巨头,指在科技行业具有强大影响力和实力的公司或个人。

5. Fashion hotshot - 时尚达人,指在时尚界拥有极高知名度和影响力的人物。

6. Sports hotshot - 体育明星,指在体育界备受关注和崇拜的运动员或教练。

7. Investment hotshot - 投资大亨,指在投资领域取得巨大成功并享有盛誉的人物。

8. Music hotshot - 音乐天才,指具有非凡音乐才华并备受瞩目的音乐家或歌手。

9. Literary hotshot - 文学巨匠,指在文学领域享有盛誉、作品广受好评的作家或诗人。

10. Marketing hotshot - 营销高手,指擅长营销策略并取得巨大成功的专业人士


1. Ace - "hotshot" can be used as a synonym for "ace," which means someone who is highly skilled or successful in a particular field. For example, "He's a real hotshot when it comes to playing the guitar."

2. Expert - Another word that can be used interchangeably with "hotshot" is "expert." This refers to someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a specific area. For instance, "She's considered a hotshot in the world of finance."

3. Prodigy - A prodigy is someone who has exceptional talent or ability at a young age. This term can also be used as a synonym for "hotshot." For example, "The young tennis player is being hailed as the next hotshot in the sport."

4. Whiz - Similar to "hotshot," the word "whiz" can refer to someone who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in a particular subject. It can also imply that this person is able to accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently. For instance, "He's known as the office hotshot because he always finishes his work ahead of schedule."

5. Master - When referring to someone who has achieved a high level of expertise or success, you can use the term "master" as an alternative to "hotshot." This can apply to various fields such as art, sports, or business. For example, "The renowned chef is considered a master in his field and often mentors up-and-coming hotshots."

6. Virtuoso - A virtuoso is someone who possesses exceptional skill and mastery in their chosen field, particularly in music or art. This term can also be used as a synonym for "hotshot" when referring to someone who excels in their profession or hobby. For instance, "The young pianist is already being hailed as a virtuoso and potential hotshot in the classical music world."

7. Star - In the context of entertainment or sports, "star" can be used as a synonym for "hotshot." This term refers to someone who is highly successful and popular in their industry. For example, "The rising actress is quickly becoming a hotshot in Hollywood, with several blockbuster films under her belt."

8. Champion - Similar to "hotshot," the word "champion" can refer to someone who has achieved great success and recognition in their field. It can also imply that this person has overcome challenges and obstacles to reach their level of expertise. For instance, "He's a hotshot in the world of competitive gaming, having been crowned champion multiple times."

9. Genius - When referring to someone who possesses exceptional intelligence or creativity, you can use the term "genius" as an alternative to "hotshot." This can apply to various fields such as science, technology, or art. For example, "The young inventor is considered a genius and potential hotshot in the tech industry."

10. Wizard - Similar to "whiz," the word "wizard" can also be used as a synonym for "hotshot." It refers to someone who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular subject. However, it can also have a playful connotation and be used in a more lighthearted manner. For instance, "He's known as the computer wizard among his friends because he's always fixing their technical issues."

通过对hotshot这个词的发音、词性、用法和短语搭配进行介绍,相信读者已经对这个词有了更深入的了解。hotshot可以用来形容那些非常出色、成功并备受关注的人,也可以用来形容那些自负、自命不凡的人。它的同义词有big shot, high-flyer等。希望读者在今后的使用中能够更加准确地运用这个词。作为网站编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容,如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我,谢谢!

