

更新时间:2024-03-11 18:22:08作者:自考教育网


The meaning of horn


1. Horn作为名词时,最常见的意思就是动物的角。它可以用来保护自己、攻击敌人,也是动物身上最具特色的部分之一。例如,“The rhinoceros has a large horn on its nose.”(犀牛鼻子上有一根大角)


2. Horn还可以指代乐器中的号角,通常用来发出响亮的声音。例如,“The orchestra's horn section played beautifully.”(管弦乐队的号手们演奏得很美妙)

3. 除此之外,horn还有一些其他含义。它可以表示“喇叭”、“喇叭声”、“警报声”等等。例如,“The car's horn honked loudly.”(汽车的喇叭响了起来)“The horn sounded, signaling the end of the game.”(警报声响起,标志着比赛结束)

4. Horn也可以作为形容词使用,表示“坚硬如角”的意思。例如,“The helmet was made of a strong, horn-like material.”(头盔是用一种坚硬如角的材料制成的)


How to pronounce horn


1. 怎么读


2. 同义词


3. 例句

- The deer's antlers were huge and impressive.


- The elephant's tusks are used for defense and foraging.


- He played a beautiful melody on his French horn.


- The saxophonist blew into the mouthpiece with all his might.



Usage and examples of horn

1. Meaning of horn

Horn is a noun that can refer to various things, including the hard, pointed, and often curved structures that grow on the heads of some animals, such as cows and goats. It can also refer to a loud musical instrument made from an animal's horn or a device used to make a loud noise, such as a car horn.

2. How to pronounce horn?

The word "horn" is pronounced as /hɔːn/ in British English and /hɔːrn/ in American English. The "r" sound is more pronounced in American English.

3. Synonyms for horn

- Antler: A bony outgrowth on the head of deer, elk, or moose.

- Tusk: An elongated pointed tooth that can be found in animals like elephants and walruses.

- Cornu: A hard structure growing on the head of some animals, such as rhinos or antelopes.

- Shofar: A ram's horn used as a musical instrument in Jewish religious ceremonies.

4. Examples of usage

- The cow had large horns on her head.

- The hunter proudly displayed his trophy deer with its impressive antlers.

- The elephant's tusks were carefully carved into beautiful works of art.

- The rhino's cornu was used for medicinal purposes in traditional Chinese medicine.

- During the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the shofar is blown to signify the start of the new year.

5. Idiomatic expressions with "horn"

- To blow one's own horn: To boast or brag about oneself.

Example: He loves to blow his own horn and talk about his accomplishments.

- To lock horns: To have an argument or disagreement with someone.

Example: The two politicians locked horns during the debate over healthcare reform.

- Take the bull by the horns: To confront a difficult situation head-on.

Example: She decided to take the bull by the horns and address the issue with her boss directly.

6. Related words

- Horned: Having horns.

- Hornless: Without horns.

- Hornlike: Resembling a horn in shape or appearance.

In conclusion, "horn" can refer to various objects and has multiple meanings and uses. It is important to pay attention to context when using this word to avoid confusion

Phrases with horn

1. "To blow one's own horn": 自吹自擂,自夸

例句:He always likes to blow his own horn and talk about his achievements.

2. "Take the bull by the horns": 勇敢面对困难,果断解决问题

例句:Instead of avoiding the issue, let's take the bull by the horns and find a solution.

3. "Horn of plenty": 象征丰富和富裕的象征物

例句:The Thanksgiving table was adorned with a cornucopia, also known as a horn of plenty.

4. "On the horns of a dilemma": 处于两难境地,左右为难

例句:She found herself on the horns of a dilemma when both job offers were equally appealing.

5. "Get the horn": 情欲高涨,性欲强烈

例句:After a few drinks, he was starting to get the horn and flirt with every woman in sight.

6. "Blow your own horn": 自吹自擂,夸耀自己的成就

例句:Don't be afraid to blow your own horn and share your accomplishments with others.

7. "Horn in on": 插手,干涉别人的事情

例句:I wish he would stop trying to horn in on our project and let us handle it ourselves.

8. "Hornswoggle": 欺骗,愚弄

例句:Don't let him hornswoggle you into buying that expensive car you don't really need.

9. "Tooting one's own horn": 自吹自擂,自夸

例句:She's always tooting her own horn and bragging about her accomplishments.

10. "Horn-rimmed glasses": 眼镜框架有角的眼镜,常用来形容书呆子或学者

例句:He pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up his nose as he delved into his studies

Synonyms for horn with examples

1. Definition of horn: Horn is a hard, pointed, and often curved part that grows from the head of certain animals, such as cows or goats.

2. How to pronounce horn: [hawrn]

3. Synonyms for horn: antler, tusk, spur, prong

4. Examples:

- The deer's antlers were large and impressive.

- The elephant's tusks were used for defense and digging.

- The rooster's sharp spurs could be dangerous.

- The goat's prongs were perfect for climbing steep mountains

In summary, horn refers to a hard, pointed projection on the head of certain animals, or a wind instrument made from an animal's horn. It can also be used figuratively to describe a loud noise or the feeling of being poked or prodded. Now that you know the meaning and pronunciation of horn, it's time to start using it in your own vocabulary! Remember to check out our examples and synonyms for more ways to incorporate this word into your daily life.

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