

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:32:12作者:自考教育网





1. hooray的意思是什么?


2. hooray怎么读?


3. hooray的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句

- When the team won the championship, the whole stadium erupted in a loud hooray.


- Hooray! We finally finished our project and can now relax.


- The little girl jumped up and down, shouting "hooray" when she saw her favorite cartoon character on TV.




1. hooray的发音是[huːˈreɪ],其中的“hoo”读作[huː],“ray”读作[reɪ]。

2. “hooray”是一个感叹词,用来表示喜悦、兴奋或庆祝的情绪。它也可以作为动词使用,意为“高兴地喊叫”。

3. 同义词包括:cheer、hurrah、yay等。

4. 例句:

- Hooray! We won the game!


- The crowd shouted hoorays as the team scored the winning goal.


- Let's all give a big hooray for our graduating class!



1. hooray的意思


2. hooray的发音


3. hooray的同义词


4. hooray的例句及翻译

- Hooray! I finally got the job I wanted! (好极了!我终于得到了我想要的工作!)

- The team won the game, and the crowd shouted "hooray" in celebration. (球队赢得了比赛,人群欢呼着“好极了”庆祝。)

- Hooray for our brave soldiers who protect our country! (为我们勇敢的士兵保卫国家欢呼!)

5. hooray在双语例句中的用法

- The children shouted "hooray" as they opened their presents on Christmas morning. (孩子们在圣诞节早上打开礼物时欢呼“好极了”。)

- The hoorays of the fans could be heard throughout the stadium as their team scored the winning goal. (当球队进球得分时,球迷的欢呼声在整个体育场中都能听到。)

- Hooray! We finally finished our project and can relax now. (好极了!我们终于完成了项目,现在可以放松了。)


1. Hurrah - 同义词,表示高兴、欢呼的感叹词,常用于庆祝、喜悦的场合。例如:Hurrah, we won the game!

2. Cheer - 同义词,表示欢呼、喝彩的动词,也可以用作名词。例如:The crowd cheered when the team scored a goal.

3. Yay - 同义词,表示高兴、赞扬的感叹词,常用于社交媒体上表达喜悦的情绪。例如:Yay, I got accepted into my dream university!

4. Huzzah - 同义词,表示赞美、庆祝的感叹词,常用于历史小说或戏剧中。例如:Huzzah for our brave soldiers who fought for our freedom!

5. Bravo - 同义词,表示赞扬、鼓励的感叹词,在音乐会或表演结束时常用来表达欣赏之情。例如:Bravo, that was an amazing performance!

6. Yippee - 同义词,表示高兴、兴奋的感叹词,常用于儿童语言或幽默场合。例如:Yippee, it's finally Friday!

7. Woohoo - 同义词,表示兴奋、激动的感叹词,在口语中常用来表达热情和欢乐。例如:Woohoo, let's celebrate with some ice cream!

8. Alleluia - 同义词,表示赞美、庆祝的宗教用语,在基督教礼拜中常用来表达喜悦和感谢。例如:Alleluia, the Lord has risen!

9. Hip hip hooray - 同义词,表示欢呼、庆祝的口号,常用于团队活动或运动比赛中。例如:Hip hip hooray, we are the champions!

10. Yeehaw - 同义词,表示兴奋、喜悦的感叹词,常用于西部牛仔文化中。例如:Yeehaw, let's go for a ride on the ranch!


1. Cheers

例句:The crowd shouted "hooray!" as the team scored the winning goal.

2. Hurrah

例句:We all let out a loud "hooray!" when we heard the good news.

3. Yippee

例句:The children jumped up and down, shouting "yippee!" at the sight of the ice cream truck.

4. Huzzah

例句:The soldiers raised their swords and yelled "huzzah!" in victory.

5. Bravo

例句:The audience gave a standing ovation and shouted "bravo!" after the amazing performance.

6. Yay

例句:My friends surprised me with a birthday party, and I couldn't help but shout "yay!"

7. Hip hip hooray

例句:The students chanted "hip hip hooray" as their teacher announced a surprise field trip.

8. Alleluia

例句:The church choir sang "alleluia" during the Easter service.

9. Hoorah

例句:The sailors cheered with a loud "hoorah!" as they set sail on their journey.

10. Yeehaw

例句:The cowboys rode into town, shouting "yeehaw!" to announce their arrival.

11. Wahoo

例句:We caught a big fish and shouted "wahoo!" in excitement.

12. Whoopee

例句:The carnival rides made us all scream with joy and shout "whoopee!"

13. Hip hip hurrah

例句: The fans of the winning team chanted "hip hip hurrah" in celebration of their victory.

14. Yoho

例句: The pirates sang and danced, shouting "yoho" as they sailed across the sea.

15. Yippie

例句: The children ran around the playground, shouting "yippie!" at the top of their lungs.

16. Rah

例句: The cheerleaders led the crowd in a chant of "rah!" to support their team.

17. Hooroo

例句: The Australian fans bid farewell to their favorite cricket player with a loud "hooroo."

18. Yayyy

例句: We finally finished our project and exclaimed "yayyy!" in relief and happiness.

19. Hoorah

例句: The soldiers shouted "hoorah" as they marched in formation during the parade.

20. Brava

例句: The opera singer received a standing ovation and was praised with a loud "brava" from the audience



