

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:29:47作者:自考教育网



1. Hoops的意思是什么?



2. Hoops作为环状物的意思


3. Hoops作为篮球运动中的篮圈


4. Hoops怎么读?


5. Hoops的同义词


6. Hoops的例句

- She loves to wear big hoops earrings.


- The children were playing with hula hoops in the park.


- He scored a three-pointer from outside the hoops.



1. 搞懂hoops的基本含义:hoops是指“篮圈”,也可以用来指代“篮球运动”和“困难局面”。所以,当你看到hoops这个词时,不妨先想想它可能的含义。

2. 发音技巧:hoops的发音类似于“胡普斯”,重读音节在第一个o上。如果你想要更加地道地发音,可以试着将嘴唇向前突出,轻轻地发出“胡”的音。

3. 同义词:除了hoops外,还有一些类似的词汇可以用来表达相同的意思。比如,“篮圈”可以用basketball hoop或者basketball rim来表示;而“篮球运动”则可以用basketball或者b-ball来表示。

4. 例句欣赏:下面是一些关于hoops的例句,让我们一起来感受一下它们的用法吧!

- I love playing basketball and shooting hoops with my friends on the weekends.


- She had to jump through hoops to get the job, but it was worth it in the end.


- The basketball player made an amazing shot from half-court, swishing the ball through the hoop.


5. 总结:通过阅读本小节,你已经学会了如何正确读取hoops了吗?希望这些小贴士可以帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇。记得多练习发音,多阅读例句,相信你很快就能熟练掌握hoops的用法啦!


1. Hoops的意思

Hoops一词可以指代多种含义,最常见的意思是指“篮球”或“篮圈”。例如,“He loves playing hoops with his friends.”(他喜欢和朋友们一起打篮球。)另外,hoops也可以指代“耳环”或“饰环”,例如,“She was wearing a pair of large gold hoops.”(她戴着一副大金色耳环。)

2. Hoops的发音


3. Hoops的同义词

- Basketball:篮球

- Ring:环;圈;戒指

- Earrings:耳环;耳饰

4. Hoops的例句

- I'm going to the park to play hoops with my friends.


- She bought a new pair of silver hoops from the jewelry store.


- The basketball player made an impressive shot from outside the hoop.


- Her diamond hoop earrings sparkled in the sunlight.


5. Hoops在英语中的其他用法

除了上述提到的意思,hoops还可以用作动词,意为“跳过障碍物”或“穿过环状物”。例如,“The dog was trained to hoop through a series of obstacles.”(这只狗经过训练可以跳过一系列的障碍物。)此外,hoops也可以用作名词复数形式,指代“困难”或“挑战”,例如,“I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get this job.”(我必须克服很多困难才能得到这份工作。)

6. Hoops的常见搭配

- Hula hoops:呼啦圈

- Hoop earrings:耳环;耳饰

- Hoop skirt:裙撑;蓬蓬裙

- Jump through hoops:克服困难;应付挑战


1. Rings: hoops是指圆环,它的同义词可以是rings。例如:“She loves to wear hoops on her ears.”(她喜欢在耳朵上戴圆环耳环。)

2. Loops: hoops也可以指环状物,因此它的同义词可以是loops。例如:“The kids were playing with hula hoops in the park.”(孩子们在公园里玩呼啦圈。)

3. Circles: hoops也可以指圆形,因此它的同义词可以是circles。例如:“The basketball players were practicing their shots by shooting through the hoop.”(篮球运动员通过向篮筐投球来练习投篮。)

4. Earrings: hoops也可以指耳环,因此它的同义词可以是earrings。例如:“She received a beautiful pair of gold hoops as a birthday gift.”(她收到了一对漂亮的金耳环作为生日礼物。)

5. Cycles: hoops还可以指周期,因此它的同义词可以是cycles。例如:“The company has been through many ups and downs, but it always manages to come out of the hoop stronger.”(这家公司经历了许多起伏,但总能以更强大的姿态出现在大众面前。)


1. "Jump through hoops" - 意思是克服困难,完成任务。例句:"I had to jump through hoops to get that promotion."

2. "Shoot hoops" - 意思是打篮球。例句:"Let's go shoot some hoops at the park."

3. "Throw someone a hoop" - 意思是帮助某人解决问题。例句:"Thanks for throwing me a hoop with my homework."

4. "On the horns of a dilemma" - 意思是处于两难境地。同义词:between a rock and a hard place。例句:"I'm on the horns of a dilemma, should I choose my job or my family?"

5. "Jump on the bandwagon" - 意思是跟风,加入流行趋势。同义词:follow the trend。例句:"Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of this new diet fad."

6. "Tighten the purse strings" - 意思是节约开支,控制花费。同义词:cut back on expenses。例句:"We need to tighten the purse strings this month, we spent too much last month."

7. "Get off your high horse" - 意思是别太自负,放下架子。同义词:come down to earth。例句:"You need to get off your high horse and listen to other people's opinions."

8. "In hot water" - 意思是陷入麻烦,处境艰难。同义词:in trouble。例句:"He's in hot water with his boss for missing the deadline."

9. "Hit the nail on the head" - 意思是说中要害,说对了。同义词:hit the mark。例句:"She hit the nail on the head with her analysis of the situation."

10. "Bite off more than you can chew" - 意思是贪多嚼不烂,做超出自己能力范围的事情。同义词:take on too much。例句:"I think I bit off more than I can chew by signing up for three classes this semester."


下一篇:Hoops 是什么意思

