

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:18:06作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of hooker

Are you curious about the pronunciation of "hooker"? Well, let me tell you, it's not as straightforward as you might think. But don't worry, I'm here to guide you through it.


1. How to pronounce "hooker"

First things first, let's tackle the pronunciation of "hooker". The most common way to say it is with a long 'u' sound, like "hoo-ker". However, some people may also pronounce it with a short 'u' sound, making it sound more like "huk-er". So really, either way is acceptable.

2. What does "hooker" mean?

Now that we've got the pronunciation down, let's talk about what this word actually means. In informal English slang, a hooker is another word for a prostitute or sex worker. It can also be used as a derogatory term for someone who engages in promiscuous behavior.

3. Synonyms for "hooker"

If you're looking for other words to use instead of "hooker", there are plenty of options. Some common synonyms include prostitute, escort, call girl, and courtesan. Of course, these words all have slightly different connotations and levels of formality, so use them wisely.

4. Examples of using "hooker"

To help you better understand how to use this word in context, here are a few examples:

- He was caught soliciting a hooker on the street corner.

- She worked as a high-end hooker in Las Vegas.

- Don't be such a hooker and sleep with every guy you meet.

So there you have it - everything you need to know about the pronunciation and meaning of "hooker". Just remember to use this word with caution and respect towards those who work in the sex industry. Happy learning!

How to pronounce hooker

1. Hooker的含义


2. 如何正确发音hooker


3. Hooker的同义词

除了hooker之外,还有许多其他词可以表示“妓女”。一些常见的同义词包括prostitute、call girl、escort、courtesan等。这些词在不同程度上都与hooker有着相似或相关的含义。

4. 例句欣赏

- She used to work as a hooker in the red light district of the city.


- The hooker was arrested for soliciting on the street corner.


- The fishermen used a hooker to catch the big fish.


- I need to find a hooker to hang this painting on the wall.


The usage and examples of hooker

1. What does hooker mean?

- Hooker is a slang term that refers to a prostitute or a sex worker. It is often used in a derogatory manner to describe someone who engages in sexual activities for money.

2. How do you pronounce hooker?

- Hooker is pronounced as "hoo-ker" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for hooker

- Some synonyms for hooker include prostitute, call girl, escort, courtesan, harlot, and streetwalker.

4. Examples of usage

- "I saw a group of hookers standing on the corner."

- "She was arrested for soliciting as a hooker."

- "The movie portrays the life of a young hooker trying to survive on the streets."

5. Different meanings of hooker

- Aside from its slang meaning, hooker can also refer to someone who plays the position of hooker in rugby or to a type of fishing lure with a curved or bent end.

6. Origin of the term

- The term "hooker" originated from the 19th-century American Civil War when General Joseph Hooker allegedly hired prostitutes for his soldiers. It was later used as slang for prostitutes and has remained in use since then.

7. Negative connotations

- Due to its derogatory nature, using the term "hooker" can be offensive and disrespectful towards sex workers. It is important to be mindful and respectful when using this word.

8. Impact on society

- The usage of "hooker" perpetuates negative stereotypes and stigma towards sex workers, which can contribute to their marginalization and discrimination within society.

9. Alternative terms

- Instead of using derogatory terms like "hooker," it is more respectful to use terms like sex worker or prostitute when referring to individuals who engage in sex work.

10. In conclusion

- In summary, hooker is a slang term that refers to a prostitute or sex worker. It is important to be mindful of its derogatory nature and use respectful language when discussing this topic

Phrases with hooker

1. Hooker in the sense of a prostitute:

- Prostitute: This is the most common synonym for hooker and refers to a person who engages in sexual activity for payment.

Example: "She worked as a hooker to support her drug addiction."

- Call girl: This term is often used to refer to a high-end prostitute who is hired by wealthy clients.

Example: "The politician was caught with a call girl in his hotel room."

- Escort: An escort is someone who accompanies another person, usually for social or professional reasons, but can also refer to someone who provides sexual services for payment.

Example: "The businessman hired an escort for the evening."

- Sex worker: This term is used more broadly to encompass all types of work related to sex, including prostitution, pornography, and exotic dancing.

Example: "Many sex workers face discrimination and stigma in society."

2. Hooker as a derogatory term for women:

- Slut: This word is often used as an insult or slur against women who are perceived as promiscuous or sexually active.

Example: "She's such a slut, she's slept with half the guys in our class."

- Whore: Similar to slut, this word is also used as an insult towards women who are seen as sexually immoral or promiscuous.

Example: "He called her a whore when she refused to sleep with him."

- Tramp: This term can be used to describe a woman who is seen as sexually loose or immoral.

Example: "The media portrayed her as a tramp because of her revealing outfits."

3. Hooker in sports:

- Hook shot: In basketball, this refers to a shot where the player uses their arm to hook the ball over their head towards the basket.

Example: "He scored two points with his signature hook shot."

- Hooking penalty: In ice hockey, this refers to a penalty where a player uses their stick to impede an opponent's progress.

Example: "The player was given a two-minute penalty for hooking."

- Hooker position: In rugby, this refers to the position of the player who throws the ball into the lineout.

Example: "He played as a hooker for his college rugby team."

4. Other phrases with hooker:

- Hook, line, and sinker: This phrase means to be completely fooled or tricked by something.

Example: "He fell for her lies hook, line, and sinker."

- Off the hook: This phrase can mean to be released from responsibility or punishment, or to be free from a difficult situation.

Example: "Luckily, he got off the hook with just a warning from the police."

- By hook or by crook: This phrase means to achieve something by any means necessary.

Example: "He was determined to get the job done by hook or by crook."

In conclusion, while the word hooker may have negative connotations in certain contexts, it is important to use language respectfully and avoid derogatory terms towards individuals. As with any word, it is important to consider its context and usage before using it in conversation

Synonyms of hooker and their examples

1. Prostitute - A hooker is a synonym for a prostitute, someone who engages in sexual activities in exchange for money. Example: "The police arrested a group of hookers on the street corner."

2. Escort - An escort is another word for a hooker, often used to describe someone who provides companionship and sexual services for money. Example: "The businessman hired an escort for the evening."

3. Call girl - A call girl is a hooker who is contacted by clients through phone calls or online advertisements. Example: "The call girl advertised her services on a popular website."

4. Courtesan - A courtesan is a high-class hooker who provides companionship and sexual services to wealthy clients. Example: "The courtesan entertained her client at an exclusive club."

5. Lady of the night - This is a more poetic term for a hooker, often used in literature or film to describe a woman who works as a prostitute at night. Example: "The city's streets were filled with ladies of the night looking for clients."

6. Streetwalker - A streetwalker is a hooker who solicits clients on the streets, often in urban areas or red light districts. Example: "The police arrested several streetwalkers during their crackdown on prostitution."

7. Harlot - Harlot is an older term for a hooker, often used in religious or moral contexts to refer to women who engage in promiscuous behavior or sex work. Example: "In the Bible, Mary Magdalene was referred to as a harlot before she met Jesus."

8. Whore - Whore is another derogatory term for a hooker, often used to shame or insult women involved in sex work. Example: "He called her a whore when he found out she was working as a hooker."

9. Working girl - This term refers to any woman who works in the sex industry, including hookers. Example: "The working girl explained that she had no other job options to support her family."

10. Pro - Short for prostitute, pro is a slang term used to refer to a hooker or someone who engages in sex work. Example: "He was surprised to find out that his neighbor was a pro."



