

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:07:24作者:自考教育网


What does hood mean?



1. Hood的基本含义


2. Hood作为地区名称

Hood也可以指代某个地区,通常与具体的城市或社区相关。比如,我们经常听到的“the hood”就是指代贫民窟或者犯罪率较高的社区。

3. Hood作为动词

除了名词外,Hood也可以作为动词使用,意思是“掩盖”或“隐藏”。比如,“He hooded his face with a scarf.”(他用围巾遮住了脸)。

4. Hood的同义词


5. 用例句解释Hood


- She pulled her hood up to protect herself from the rain.(她把风帽拉起来,保护自己免受雨水侵袭。)

- The gangster was known for his involvement in the hood.(这个黑帮成员以他在贫民窟的活动而闻名。)

- The magician hooded his face with a cloak before performing the trick.(魔术师在表演魔术前用斗篷遮住了脸。)

How to pronounce hood?

Hood是一个英语单词,意思是“帽子”或者“罩子”。它的发音为/ hʊd /,读作“胡德”。



另外,如果你还想了解hood的同义词及例句,那么我也可以给你一些提示。Hood的同义词包括cap、hat、bonnet等。例如,“She pulled her hood over her head to protect herself from the rain.”(她把帽子拉过头顶来保护自己免受雨水侵袭。)

Usage and examples of hood

1. Meaning of hood

Hood is a noun that refers to a covering or a part of a garment that is worn over the head and shoulders. It can also refer to a hood-shaped covering or structure, such as the hood of a car or the hood of a cloak.

2. Pronunciation of hood

Hood is pronounced as [hʊd] in American English and [hʊd] in British English.

3. Synonyms for hood

Some synonyms for hood include:

- Capote: A short cloak with a hood.

- Cowl: A large, loose, hooded garment worn by monks.

- Mantle: A loose sleeveless cloak or shawl worn over other clothes.

- Bonnet: A hat tied under the chin, typically worn by women and children.

4. Examples of usage

- "She pulled her hood over her head to protect herself from the rain."

- "The car's engine was located under the hood."

- "The monk's cowl covered his face, making it difficult to see his features."

- "The little girl wore a bonnet with ribbons tied under her chin."

5. Idiomatic expressions with hood

There are also some idiomatic expressions that use the word "hood," such as:

- Hoodwinked: To deceive or trick someone.

Example: "Don't be fooled by his charming smile, he's trying to hoodwink you."

- Robin Hood: A legendary figure who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.

Example: "Many children grew up watching movies about Robin Hood and his band of merry men."

- In the neighborhood/hood: In one's local area or community.

Example: "I saw him walking in our neighborhood yesterday."

6. Common phrases with hood

Here are some common phrases that use the word "hood":

- Under someone's hood: To be under someone's control or influence.

Example: "The new CEO wants to know what's going on under his hood."

- Raise the hood: To open the hood of a car to check the engine.

Example: "I think there's something wrong with my car, can you help me raise the hood?"

- Hood up/down: Used to describe whether someone is wearing a hood or not.

Example: "It's cold outside, make sure to have your hood up when you go out."

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "hood" has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. It is important to pay attention to its pronunciation and understand its different synonyms and idiomatic expressions. By using these examples, you can improve your understanding of the word "hood" and expand your vocabulary

Common phrases with hood

1. Hood: a loose piece of clothing that covers the head and neck

- Example: She pulled her hood up to protect herself from the rain.

2. Hooded: having a hood or something that covers the head

- Example: The figure in the painting had a hooded cloak, making it difficult to see their face.

3. Robin Hood: a legendary English outlaw known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor

- Example: Many stories have been written about Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men.

4. Under the hood: referring to what is happening inside a machine or system, often used in relation to cars

- Example: The mechanic lifted up the car's hood to see what was causing the strange noise.

5. Neighborhood: a specific area or community within a larger city or town

- Example: I grew up in a close-knit neighborhood where everyone knew each other.

6. Childhood: the period of time when someone is a child

- Example: She has many fond memories of her childhood spent playing in her old neighborhood.

7. Robin Hood mentality: refers to someone who takes from others without concern for their well-being, similar to how Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor

- Example: Some people believe that politicians have a Robin Hood mentality, taking from taxpayers without considering their needs.

8. In the neighborhood of (something): used to describe an approximate amount or range of something

- Example: The repairs on my car will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 dollars.

9. Good Samaritan/neighborhood watch program: refers to people who work together to keep their community safe and help those in need

- Example: The neighborhood watch program has been successful in reducing crime rates in our area.

10. In your neck of the woods/hood/neighborhood/town/city/country/world/etc.: refers to the area where someone lives or is from

- Example: It's great to see you again! How have things been in your neck of the woods?

Synonyms for hood with examples

1. Definition of hood

The word "hood" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it refers to a covering or a part of a garment that can be pulled over the head to protect it from the weather or to conceal one's identity. It can also refer to a neighborhood or a group of people who share similar characteristics.

2. Synonyms for hood

- Cap: A close-fitting head covering with no brim.

Example: She pulled her cap over her head to protect herself from the rain.

- Cowl: A hooded garment worn by monks or religious figures.

Example: The monk's cowl covered his entire head, leaving only his face visible.

- Bonnet: A soft, brimless hat tied under the chin.

Example: The baby wore a cute bonnet with little pom-poms on each side.

- Headscarf: A piece of fabric worn around the head for religious, cultural, or fashion purposes.

Example: She wrapped her headscarf tightly around her head to keep her hair in place.

3. Examples of using synonyms for hood

- He put on his cap and headed out into the cold winter weather.

- The cowl of the robe hid his face as he walked through the monastery.

- The little girl looked adorable in her pink bonnet with matching mittens.

- In some cultures, women wear headscarves as a sign of modesty and respect.

4. Other ways to say "hood"

Aside from using synonyms, there are also different phrases and expressions that can be used instead of "hood." Some examples include:

- Head covering

- Headwear

- Headgear

- Hat

- Wrap

- Shawl

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "hood" has various meanings and can be used in different contexts. When referring to a garment worn over the head, some synonyms include cap, cowl, bonnet, and headscarf. Other phrases such as head covering or headwear can also be used. It is important to choose the appropriate synonym or phrase depending on the specific context in order to effectively communicate the intended meaning

In conclusion, hood is a versatile word with multiple meanings and pronunciations. It can refer to a part of clothing, a type of neighborhood, or even be used as a slang term. Remember to pay attention to the context when using this word in conversation or writing. Hopefully, this article has provided you with a better understanding of the word hood and its usage.

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