

更新时间:2024-03-11 16:32:46作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of honeybee

Are you curious about the meaning and pronunciation of the word "honeybee"? Well, let me tell you all about it!


1. What does honeybee mean?

Honeybee is a noun that refers to a type of bee that produces honey. These small, striped insects are known for their important role in pollination and for creating delicious honey.

2. How do you pronounce honeybee?

The correct pronunciation of honeybee is "HUH-nee-bee". Make sure to emphasize the first syllable and use a short "u" sound.

3. Synonyms for honeybee

There are several synonyms for honeybee, including:

- Apis mellifera: This is the scientific name for the common Western honeybee.

- Pollinator: This term refers to any insect or animal that helps transfer pollen from one plant to another.

- Bee: Of course, we can't forget the simple and commonly used word "bee" to describe these buzzing creatures.

4. Example sentences

To give you a better understanding of how to use "honeybee" in a sentence, here are some examples:

- Honeybees are essential for pollinating crops and producing honey.

- Did you know that each hive contains around 50,000 worker bees and only one queen bee?

- I'm allergic to bee stings, so I always try to avoid getting too close to honeybees.

Now you know everything there is to know about the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage of "honeybee". Happy learning!

Is honeybee an idiom?




例如,在英文中经常可以听到类似于“as busy as a bee”(像蜜蜂一样忙碌)这样的表达,而不是“as busy as a honeybee”。因此,在大多数情况下,honeybee仅仅指代真实存在的昆虫,并没有其他更深层次的含义。


Usage and examples of honeybee

1. What does honeybee mean?

Honeybee refers to a type of bee that is known for producing honey. It is a social insect that lives in large colonies and plays an important role in pollination and the production of honey.

2. How do you pronounce honeybee?

Honeybee is pronounced as "huhn-ee-bee".

3. Synonyms for honeybee

Some synonyms for honeybee include:

- Apis mellifera (scientific name)

- Bee

- Worker bee

- Queen bee

4. Examples of usage:

a) "The fields were buzzing with the sound of honeybees collecting nectar from flowers."

b) "The farmer keeps several hives of honeybees to produce delicious, natural honey."

c) "Honeybees are essential for the pollination of crops, ensuring a bountiful harvest."

Antonyms and synonyms of honeybee


1. Wasp: 胡蜂,与honeybee相反,胡蜂是一种具有攻击性的昆虫,与和平友善的honeybee形成鲜明对比。

2. Predator: 捕食者,与honeybee相反,捕食者指的是那些以其他生物为食的动物,而honeybee则是以花蜜为食。

3. Parasite: 寄生虫,与honeybee相反,寄生虫指的是那些依靠寄主生活并从中获取营养的生物,而honeybee则是自给自足的昆虫。


1. Apis Mellifera: 西方蜜蜂,这是honeybee的学名,也可以作为其同义词使用。

2. Pollinator: 传粉者,这个词可以用来代替honeybee,在植物繁殖过程中起着重要作用。

3. Bee: 蜜蜂,在一般情况下可以用来指代任何种类的蜂类昆虫

Explanation of honeybee

1. What does honeybee mean?

- Honeybee refers to a type of bee that is known for producing honey and pollinating plants. It is a social insect that lives in large colonies and plays an important role in the ecosystem.

2. How do you pronounce honeybee?

- Honeybee is pronounced as "huhn-ee-bee" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for honeybee

- Other words that can be used interchangeably with honeybee include bee, worker bee, drone, and queen bee.

4. Examples of honeybee in a sentence

- The fields were filled with the buzzing of honeybees collecting nectar from flowers.

- The farmer relies on the hardworking honeybees to pollinate his crops.

- The queen honeybee lays thousands of eggs every day to maintain the population of her colony.

- Honeybees communicate through dance to inform their fellow bees about the location of food sources.

- The sweet taste of pure honey comes from the hard work of honeybees.

5. Interesting facts about honeybees

- Honeybees are one of the few insects that produce food consumed by humans.

- They have been around for millions of years and are believed to have originated in Africa.

- A single worker bee can visit up to 2,000 flowers in one day.

- Honeybees have five eyes - three small ones on top of their head and two large compound eyes on each side.

- They play a crucial role in pollination, which is essential for plant reproduction and biodiversity.

In conclusion, honeybee is a fascinating insect that plays a significant role in our lives and the environment. Its importance goes beyond just producing honey as it also helps in pollination, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Next time you see a buzzing honeybee, remember all the hard work it puts into making our world a better place



下一篇:honey 是什么意思

